Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/160 | Canada | 2023 | Soil management and conservation, Sustainable…
Soil management and conservation, Sustainable agriculture management
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability…
CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability and Climate change (Cost-Shared): Environmental Stewardship Programme (Ontario): The environmental stewardship programme supports the sector by better reflecting the commitments that have been identified within the Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan, Ontario's Agricultural Soil Heath and Conservation Strategy, and the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan. (...) Under Annex 2, paragraph 12 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/160 | Canada | 2023 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Soil management and conservation, Water management and conservation
Grants and direct payments, Non-monetary support | Agriculture | CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability…
CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability and Climate change (Cost-Shared): Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change (Prince Edward Island): The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change programme features two sub-programmes: Agriculture Stewardship Program (ASP) and Alternative Land Use Services program (ALUS). The first is a suite of initiatives designed to increase environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation by providing technical and financial support to encourage producers to voluntarily implement Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs). The focus of the ALUS programme will be to prevent soil erosion and siltation of watercourses and wet lands, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat in targeted areas beyond those covered by Prince Edward Island’s regulations on agricultural practices. (...) Under Annex 2, paragraph 2(d) and paragraph 12 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/160 | Canada | 2023 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Soil management and conservation, Sustainable agriculture management, Water management and conservation
Grants and direct payments, Non-monetary support | Agriculture | CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability…
CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability and Climate change (Cost-Shared): Prime-Vert (Québec): The Prime-Vert program aims to increase the adoption of agri-environmental practices by agricultural businesses that benefit the environment and human health. Areas of intervention include: preservation and improvement of water quality, soil health and conservation, pesticide usage reduction and risk assessment, biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change (including GHG emission reductions and adaptation). (...) Under Annex 2, paragraph 2(d) and paragraph 12 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/160 | Canada | 2023 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Other…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Other environmental risks mitigation, Sustainable agriculture management
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability…
CAP priority area: Environmental sustainability and Climate change (Cost-Shared): Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change (Saskatchewan): Saskatchewan's environmental sustainability and climate change programme objective is to enhance the resiliency and sustainability of the agriculture sector by proactively managing environmental risks. The initiative includes the following programmes and activities: Environmental Farm Plans (EFP) and Farm Stewardship Program (FSP). (...) Under Annex 2, paragraph 12 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/160 | Canada | 2023 | Environmental goods and services promotion | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | CAP priority area: Risk Management and Public…
CAP priority area: Risk Management and Public Trust (Cost-Shared): Advancing Public Trust Program (Newfoundland and Labrador): The objective of the Advancing Public Trust Program is to build trust and confidence in the Newfoundland and Labrador agriculture, agri-food and agri-products system. Agriculture awareness initiatives will (...) promote the high standards of food safety, environmental stewardship as well as animal and plant production standards utilized in the sector. (...) Under Annex 2, paragraph 2(f) of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/EU/88 | European Union | 2023 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Sustainable agriculture management
Grants and direct payments, Non-monetary support | Agriculture | Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): On 2 December…
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): On 2 December 2021, the reform of the CAP was formally adopted. The new legislation came into force in January 2023 and covers farmers' applications introduced as of 2023. The new CAP is a modernised policy, with a strong emphasis on results and performance. The policy as applicable as of 2023 focuses on ten specific objectives, linked to common EU goals for social, environmental, and economic sustainability in agriculture and rural areas. It seeks to ensure a more sustainable future for European farmers, provide more targeted support to smaller farms, and allow greater flexibility for EU member States to adapt measures to local conditions. Agriculture and rural areas are central to the European Green Deal , and the new CAP will be a key tool in reaching the ambitions of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies. (...) Building on the previous system of cross-compliance implemented until 2022, the system of new conditionality links full receipt of CAP support to the compliance of farmers and other beneficiaries with basic standards concerning the environment, climate change, public health, plant health and animal welfare. The basic standards encompass in a streamlined form a list of statutory management requirements (SMRs) and standards of good agricultural and environmental conditions of land (GAEC standards). Those basic standards should better take into account the environmental and climate challenges and the new environmental architecture of the CAP, thus delivering a higher level of environmental and climate ambition as set out in the Commission communication on the 'Future of Food and Farming' and the MFF for the years 2021 to 2027, established by Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093. Conditionality aims to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture through better awareness on the part of beneficiaries of the need to comply with those basic standards. It also aims to make the CAP more compatible with the expectations of society through improving consistency of the CAP with the environment, public health, plant health and animal welfare objectives. Conditionality forms an integral part of the environmental architecture of the CAP, as part of the baseline for more ambitious environmental and climate-related commitments and should be comprehensively applied across the Union. Member States should ensure that proportionate, effective and dissuasive penalties are applied in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 to farmers and other beneficiaries who do not comply with those requirements.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/EU/88 | European Union | 2023 | Sustainable agriculture management, Climate…
Sustainable agriculture management, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP 2023-2027: Decoupled Direct Payments: Basic…
CAP 2023-2027: Decoupled Direct Payments: Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS): Direct payments are aimed at supporting and stabilising farmers" incomes. They also ensure the provision of environmental public goods, as they are conditional on compliance with basic standards for good agriculture and environmental conditions (GAECs). In order to guarantee a minimum level of agricultural income support for all active farmers, as well as to comply with the objective of ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community an annual area-based decoupled direct payment is established as the type of intervention BISS. It is an annual decoupled payment per hectare, granted with no requirement to produce and with no link to any type or volume of production. (...) The unit value of payment entitlements is proportional to their value as established under the basic payment schemes pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013, taking into account the payments for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment. Payments under the BISS comply with paragraph 1 of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Agriculture as well as with the relevant criteria of paragraph 6 if implementation is based on payment entitlements; (...) and paragraph 5 if implementation is not based on payment entitlements.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/EU/88 | European Union | 2023 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation,…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Sustainable agriculture management
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP 2023-2027: Decoupled Direct Payments: Schemes…
CAP 2023-2027: Decoupled Direct Payments: Schemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare (eco-schemes): Direct payments are aimed at supporting and stabilising farmers" incomes. They also ensure the provision of environmental public goods, as they are conditional on compliance with basic standards for good agriculture and environmental conditions (GAECs). The CAP should ensure that member States increase the environmental delivery by respecting local needs and farmers' actual circumstances. Member States set up eco-schemes which are voluntary for farmers, and which should be fully coordinated with the other relevant interventions. They can take form of a payment granted either for and remunerating the provision of public goods by agricultural practices beneficial to the environment and climate (additional to the BISS payment), or as compensation for carrying out those practices. In both cases, they should aim to enhance the environmental and climate-related performance of the CAP and should consequently be conceived to go beyond the mandatory requirements already prescribed by the system of conditionality. (...) the eco-schemes comply with paragraph 1 of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Agriculture as well as with the relevant criteria of paragraph 6 if implementation of the BISS is based on payment entitlements. (...) the eco-schemes comply with paragraph 1 of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Agriculture as well as with the relevant criteria of paragraph 6 if implementation of the BISS is based on payment entitlements. (...) the eco-schemes comply with paragraph 1 of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Agriculture as well as with the relevant criteria of paragraph 5 if implementation of the BISS is not based on payment entitlements; Schemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare granted as compensation for carrying out practices beneficial to the environment and climate comply with paragraph 1 of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Agriculture as well as with the relevant criteria of paragraph 12.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/EU/88 | European Union | 2023 | Sustainable agriculture management | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP 2023-2027: Coupled Direct Payments: Coupled…
CAP 2023-2027: Coupled Direct Payments: Coupled Income Support: Within the framework of the direct payments system, Coupled Income Support can be applied in up to 19 agricultural sectors and type of production at the choice of each member State. The support is limited in terms of both amounts available and objectives. It can take form of an annual payment per hectare or per animal. Member States may grant Coupled Income Support in clearly defined cases where specific types of farming or specific agricultural sectors that are particularly important for economic and/or social and/or environmental reasons undergo certain difficulties in terms of risk of decline or of abandonment of production.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/EU/88 | European Union | 2023 | Alternative and renewable energy, Animal…
Alternative and renewable energy, Animal protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency, Environmental goods and services promotion, Environmental protection from pests and diseases, Soil management and conservation, Sustainable and environmentally friendly production, Waste management and recycling, Water management and conservation
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | CAP 2023-2027: Sectorial Interventions: A number…
CAP 2023-2027: Sectorial Interventions: A number of interventions in certain sectors are established in accordance with the requirements of Annex 2 of the Agreement on Agriculture. They relate to the sectors of fruit and vegetables, wine, apiculture products, olive oil and table olives and hops sectors.
Fruit and vegetables, hops, olive oil, table olives and other sectors (...). Investments in tangible and intangible assets, research and experimental and innovative production methods and other actions, in areas such as: Soil conservation, including the enhancement of soil carbon and soil structure, and the Reduction of contaminants - Paragraph 12; Improvement of the use of and sound management of water, including water saving, water conservation and drainage - Paragraph 12; Preventing damage caused by adverse climatic events and promoting the development and use of varieties, breeds and management practices adapted to changing climate conditions - Paragraph 12; Increasing energy saving, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy - Paragraph 12 or 11; Ecological packaging, only in the field of research and experimental production – Paragraph 2; Biosecurity, animal health and welfare - Paragraph 12; Reducing emissions and waste, improving the use of by-products, including their reuse and valorisation, and the management of waste - Paragraph 11 or 12; Improving resilience against pests and reducing risks and impacts of pesticide use, including implementing Integrated Pest Management Techniques - Paragraph 2 or 11 or 12;; Creating and maintaining habitats favourable to biodiversity - Paragraph 12; Organic or integrated production – Paragraph 12; Actions to increase the sustainability and efficiency of transport and storage – Paragraph 11, 12 or 2; Climate change adaptation and mitigation – Paragraphs 11, 2 or 12; Apiculture: Investment in tangible and intangible assets, as well as other actions, including for combatting beehive invaders and diseases – Paragraph 11 or 12 or 2; Investment in tangible and intangible assets, as well as other actions, including for preventing damage caused by adverse climatic conditions, development and use of management practices – Paragraph 11 or 12 or 2; Wine: Restructuring and conversion – Paragraph 8, 11 or 12; |