Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Water management and conservation | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General Services: Infrastructural services:…
General Services: Infrastructural services: Australian and Tasmanian Governments: Tasmanian Irrigation Tranche II: Support for the construction of irrigation infrastructure schemes to use water resources sustainably.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Water management and conservation | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General Services: Infrastructural services:…
General Services: Infrastructural services: Victoria: East Grampians West Wimmera Feasibility Study: extension to the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline and water savings project to replace an existing headworks channel with high water losses with a transfer pipeline.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Water management and conservation | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General Services: Infrastructural services:…
General Services: Infrastructural services: Australian Government: Water for the Environment Special Account - Water Efficiency Program
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Water management and conservation | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General Services: Infrastructural services:…
General Services: Infrastructural services: Victoria: Macalister Irrigation District (MID) 2030 Modernisation - Phase 2: The final phase of the MID 2030 modernisation program will improve the efficiency of the water delivery system and is estimated to generate approx. 10,300 ML of water savings upon completion.*
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Water management and conservation | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General Services: Infrastructural services:…
General Services: Infrastructural services: Australian Government: On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program: The program supports industry groups and catchment authorities to improve the efficiency and management of water in specific river catchments in the southern-connected Murray Darling Basin
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Natural resources conservation | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | General Services: Other general services: Western…
General Services: Other general services: Western Australia: Natural Resource Management Community Stewardship Grants: Supporting community-based projects that serve to protect and restore the local environment.*
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Other environmental risks mitigation, Animal…
Other environmental risks mitigation, Animal protection, Water management and conservation
Tax concessions | Agriculture | Payments for relief from natural disasters:…
Payments for relief from natural disasters: Queensland: Drought Relief Assistance Scheme Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate (EWIR): Rebate on the purchase of water infrastructure purchased for supplying water for livestock with animal welfare needs where there is a water shortage on a property.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources conservation, Sustainable agriculture management
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental programme: Australian Government:…
Environmental programme: Australian Government: National Landcare Program - Smart Farming Partnerships: Effective partnerships between organisations and individuals to develop innovative tools that lead to more sustainable and productive agricultural systems; protect Australia's biodiversity; protect and improve the condition of natural resources.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | Other environmental risks mitigation | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental programme: Australian Capital…
Environmental programme: Australian Capital Territory: Rural Grants: ACT Rural Resilience Grant (previously reported as Grant funding to rural leasees to improve drought preparedness)
Agriculture | G/AG/N/AUS/157/REV.1 | Australia | 2023 | General environmental protection | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental programme: Victoria: Victorian…
Environmental programme: Victoria: Victorian Environmental Partnership Program (VEPP)