Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Forestry |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and conservation of natural resources by prohibiting the exports of unprocessed western red cedar logs harvested from state or Federal lands
WTO Justification: Article XX(g)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
2. Prohibition of exports of unprocessed western red cedar logs harvested from state or Federal lands
Western red cedar (thuja plicata), logs and timber, and rough, dressed and worked lumber containing wane
Type of measure
P-X: Prohibition on Exports
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and animal life by prohibiting the importation of shrimp and shrimp products which have been harvested with commercial fishing technology that may adversely affect sea turtles
WTO Justification: Article XX(b)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
3. Prohibition of importation of shrimp and shrimp products which have been harvested with commercial fishing technology that may adversely affect sea turtles
Shrimp and shrimp products
Type of measure
P: Prohibition
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and animal life (dolphins) by prohibiting the importation of yellowfin tuna caught using purse seine fishing gear in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
WTO Justification: Article XX(b)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
4. Prohibition on importation of yellowfin tuna caught using purse seine fishing gear in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Yellowfin tuna and products thereof
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and animal life by prohibiting the importation and exportation of marine mammals and marine mammal products
WTO Justification: Article XX(b)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
5. Prohibition on the importation and exportation of marine mammals and marine mammal products
Cetacea (whales, dolphins, porpoises), Pinnipedia other than walrus (seals and sea lions) and any parts and products thereof
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
CP-X: Prohibition on Exports except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Chemicals |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and human health and safety by prohibiting the importation of certain toxic substances
WTO Justification: Article XX(b)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
6. Prohibition on the importation of certain toxic substances
Certain toxic substances, listed at http://www.epa.gov/oppt/import-export/pubs/sec6.html
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ozone layer protection |
Ban/Prohibition |
Chemicals |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and human health and safety by prohibiting the importation of certain ozone-depleting substances
WTO Justification: Article XX(b)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
7. Prohibition on the importation of certain ozone-depleting substances
Certain ozone -depleting substances, listed at: http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/imports.html
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other, Fisheries |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and conservation of natural resources by declaring a prohibition on the importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing in interstate or foreign commerce any fish , wildlife or plant, with some exceptions, taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of relevant U.S. or foreign laws.
WTO Justification: Article XX(b) and (g)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
8. Prohibition on importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing in interstate or foreign commerce any fish , wildlife or plant, with some exceptions, taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of relevant U.S. or foreign laws.
Certain fish, wildlife and plant products
Type of measure
P: Prohibition
P-X: Prohibition on Exports
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Animal protection, Natural resources conservation |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and and conservation of natural resources by prohibiting the importation and exportation of endangered and threatened species
WTO Justification: Article XX(b) and (g)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
9. Prohibition on the importation and exportation of endangered and threatened species
Various species listed at:
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
CP-X: Prohibition on Exports except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Animal protection, Natural resources conservation |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and conservation of natural resources by prohibiting the importation and exportation of certain species pursuant to CITES
WTO Justification: Article XX(b) and (g)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
10. Prohibition on the importation and exportation of certain species pursuant to CITES
Various. See http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/ref/suspend.php for current listing
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
CP-X: Prohibition on Exports except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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Quantitative Restrictions |
United States of America |
2018 |
Animal protection, Natural resources conservation |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other |
See more
Environment related objective
Protection of the Environment and conservation of natural resources by prohibiting the importation of exotic bird species, except certain specimens and families, listed in the CITES Appendices
WTO Justification: Article XX(b) and (g)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
14. Prohibition on the import of exotic bird species
Exotic birds, except certain specimens and families, listed in the CITES Appendices; additional exceptions are included for imports of birds for certain activities
Type of measure
CP: Prohibition except under defined conditions
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The notification provides information for the following biennial period 2018-2020 and relates to restrictions in force as of 30 September 2018
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