Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Government Procurement | GPA/91/ADD.2 | Japan | 2009 | Environmental goods and services promotion | Public procurement | Other | Statistical report for 2006 on public procurement…
Statistical report for 2006 on public procurement, including information on building-cleaning services and environmental-protection services
Government Procurement | GPA/94/ADD.2 | Japan | 2009 | Environmental goods and services promotion | Public procurement | Other | Statistical report for 2007 on public procurement…
Statistical report for 2007 on public procurement, including information on building-cleaning services and environmental-protection services
Government Procurement | GPA/99 | Japan | 2009 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation | Public procurement | Other | "Law concerning the promotion of contracts…
"Law concerning the promotion of contracts concerning reduction of emissions of green house gases and others by the State and other entities” and “Basic policy concerning the promotion of contracts considering reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and others by the State and other entities"
Government Procurement | GPA/99/ADD.1 | Japan | 2009 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation | Public procurement | Other | Partial revision to the "Basic policy…
Partial revision to the "Basic policy considering the promotion of contracts considering reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and others by the State and other entities" under the "Law concerning the promotion of contracts considering reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and others by the State and other entities"
Government Procurement | GPA/94/ADD.1 | United States of America | 2009 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation | Public procurement | Other | Statistical report for 2007 on public procurement…
Statistical report for 2007 on public procurement, including information on environmental goods and services
Other notification provisions | WT/COMTD/N/4/ADD.4 | European Union | 2009 | MEAs implementation and compliance | Environmental provisions in trade agreements | Not specified | European Union's (EU) Generalized System of…
European Union's (EU) Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Revision