Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member Sort descending | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/218 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | Sustainable agriculture management | Technical regulation or specifications | Agriculture | Draft technical regulation on "Camel Organic…
Draft technical regulation on "Camel Organic Raw Milk"
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/219 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | Sustainable agriculture management | Technical regulation or specifications | Agriculture | Draft technical regulation on ''…
Draft technical regulation on ''Prepackaged Whole Organic Dates''
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/221 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | Water management and conservation | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Green Labeling Scheme For Water Fixtures |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/226 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | UAE Control Scheme for Oil Derivatives Products |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/239 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Updating the UAE Technical Regulation "Motor…
Updating the UAE Technical Regulation "Motor vehicles - General requirements"
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/244 | United Arab Emirates | 2014 | Sustainable agriculture management | Technical regulation or specifications | Agriculture | Draft Technical Regulation for "Maximum…
Draft Technical Regulation for "Maximum Limits of Pesticides Residues and Contaminants in Organic Food"
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/ARE/80 | United Arab Emirates | 2016 | Waste management and recycling | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of…
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Draft Technical Regulation for: " Recycled Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to Come Into Contact With Food".
This draft technical regulation concerns manufacturing process for recycled plastic materials and articles intended for use in contact with food |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/361 | United Arab Emirates | 2017 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | GCC draft technical regulation "Lubricating…
GCC draft technical regulation "Lubricating Oils for Internal Combustion Engines" – Part 2: ACEA European Oil Sequences for Gasoline Engines and Diesel Engines
This Gulf draft of technical regulation is concerned with lubricating oils for internal combustion engines suitable for Light duty diesel engine, Engines with after treatment devices and Heavy duty diesel engines excluding marine application. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/362 | United Arab Emirates | 2017 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Draft of GCC Technical Regulations for Cosmetics…
Draft of GCC Technical Regulations for Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
This GCC Technical Regulation shall apply to cosmetics and personal care products as defined in Article (2) of these Regulations. The basic requirements for such products shall be determined before they are placed or displayed on the market, in order to ensure facilitation of trading in the GCC market of Member States and maintaining the protection of human health and the environment |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/ARE/379 | United Arab Emirates | 2017 | Alternative and renewable energy | Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Draft of UAE Technical Regulation Biodiesel Fuels…
Draft of UAE Technical Regulation Biodiesel Fuels (B100) used for Diesel blending - Requirements and Test Methods
This draft of UAE technical regulation specifies requirements and test methods for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) used for Biodiesel blends. Biodiesel (B100) that is being used as a blending component with diesel fuels shall meet the requirements of standard no. UAE.S 477 |