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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-III§112 |
Australia |
2015 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments |
Relevant information
Australia's latest notification to the WTO Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (September 2013) listed 30 federal programmes in support of environmental protection, forestry, innovation, PMV, TCF, steel, and workforce training activities, as well as 38 programmes at state and territory level (Table A3.2). (...) [161]
[161] In addition to WTO-notified subsidies, the Department of Industry has some other programmes (...) The following programmes were or about to expire/close: (...) Re-tooling for Climate Change (in November 2010); the Green Building Fund (GBF) (in March 2011); (...) the Renewable Energy Equity Fund (REEF) (date unknown). (...)
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.2 |
Australia |
2015 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments |
Relevant information
Table A3. 2 Subsidies notified under WTO provisions, 2011/12 and 2012/13
- Clean Technology Investment Program (CTIP): Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: 16 February 2012 to 30 June 2019
- Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program (CTFFIP): Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: 16 February 2012 to 30 June 2018
- Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program (SRWUIP)
- Clean Technology Innovation Program: Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: 6 July 2012 to 22 October 2013; 2011/12: n.a.; 2012/23: 2,200,000
Passenger motor vehicles
- Ford Australia Environmental Grant: Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: 30 March 2012 to 31 May 2015; 2011/12: ..a; 2012/13: ..a
- Green Car Innovation Fund (GCIF); Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: 2009/10 to January 2011; 2011/12: 125,000,000; 2012/13: 47,500,000
South Australia
- Business Sustainability Alliance – Energy Efficiency Program: Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: Completed in June 2013
- Cleantech Partnering Program:Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: Completed on 30 June 2013
- Beyond Waste Fund: Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: Was to conclude in September 2014; 2012/13: 649,398
- Driving Investment for New Recycling: Type of subsidy: Grants; Duration: Until June 2015; 2011/12: 262,820; 2012/13: 734,268
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-III§154 |
Australia |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
Under the Plant Breeder's Rights (PBR) Act 1994, last amended in 2012 (section 3.4.6), unauthorized use of protected plant varieties, and different kinds of false representation regarding plant varieties, are criminal offences. PBRs' registration lasts up to 25 years for trees and vines, and 20 years for other species. The changes introduced by the 2012 Act included amending a number of definitions in the PBR to ensure their consistency with the UPOV Convention (International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants). Enforcement of PBRs is generally the responsibility of holders of the rights through civil procedures, and the Customs has no seizure powers at the border (section Between 2009 and 2012 PBR registrations dropped progressively by 48.9% to 144 (81 of which were from domestic breeders), primarily due to the long-term consequences of drought and natural disasters affecting both domestic and non resident applicants. In 2013, PBR registrations tracked back towards normal/average levels (237) with 123 registrations by domestic applicants. The United States, New Zealand and the Netherlands are the most active applicants and together comprised 69% of non-resident applications and registrations in 2013.
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§11 |
Australia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Agriculture, Fisheries |
Relevant information
During the review period, the "Sustainable Agriculture Stream", a sub-programme within the overall Australia's Caring for our Country 2013-18 initiative, has been focused on ensuring a sustainable, productive and resilient agricultural base involving: sustainable food production; innovation in agriculture and fisheries practices; reduced impact of weeds and pests; and improved management of agriculture and fisheries and the natural resource base.[13] The Sustainable Agriculture Stream is being delivered in the context of other major government policies and initiatives, including: the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (sections and; the Carbon Farming Initiative, drought policy reform (section; and the Commonwealth Policy on Fisheries By-Catch (section 4.2.3). (...)
[13] Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Environment online information. Viewed at:
Natural resources
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§16 |
Australia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries, Forestry |
Relevant information
(…) In 2011/12, forestry, logging, horticulture, fruit-growing, aquaculture and fishing (section 4.2.3) were among the primary production activities benefiting from the highest effective rates of (combined) assistance.[28] (…)
[28] Assistance to forestry and logging has increased reflecting, inter alia, new structural adjustment packages for the Tasmanian forest industry (Productivity Commission, 2013d, Table 2.7).
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§18 |
Australia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
(…) The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme removes the incidence of excise and excise-equivalent customs duties from the costs of some fuels (including diesel) used in business activities, including specified activities in agriculture, fishing, and forestry (sections 3.4.2 and
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§18 |
Australia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
The agricultural sector receives no market price support. Budget financed programmes are mainly used for natural resource and environmental management, in particular water. (…)
Natural resources
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§20 |
Australia |
2015 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments |
Relevant information
Innovation Grants, ranging between $A 250,000 and $A 1.5 million, provide tools to implement sustainable practices, reduce farm costs and build productivity through the development and adoption of innovative practices across agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and farm forestry. As of March 2014, 31 projects worth up to $A 21.2 million had received funding.
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-IV§33 |
Australia |
2015 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments |
Relevant information
(…) In 2011/12 virtually all industry-specific budgetary assistance (34.9% of total sectoral assistance) was delivered through the Coal Sector Jobs Package (CSJP), with lower amounts channelled through the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative. The CSJP provided a total of $A 218.8 million to only the most emissions intensive mines in 2011/12 as a prepayment to ease their transition to the introduction of the carbon price mechanism (section 4.3.2) in 2012/13. No CSJP funding was provided in 2012/13. Eligible mines received a second CSJP payment in 2013/14 with payments totalling $A 219.3 million. Due to budgetary savings and the repeal of the carbon price mechanism, no further CSJP funding is available.
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WT/TPR/S/312/REV.1 |
S-Summary§16 |
Australia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
During the review period Australia, inter alia, reviewed its future energy needs, passed a comprehensive package of clean energy proposals, including a carbon price mechanism (repealed in 2014), and set mandatory minimum efficiency performance and energy rating label requirements. A new coherent and integrated approach to energy policy is under consideration. (...)