Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: WA
- Authority: Dept. of Revenue
- Form of subsidy: Retail and sales use tax exemption for biodiesel sales
- Objective: Facilitate the retail sale of biodiesel blend or E85 motor fuel
- Recipients: Retail sale of biodiesel blends
- Description : The programme provides a retail sales and use tax exemption for machinery and equipment which is used directly to facilitate the retail sale of biodiesel blend or E85 motor fuel. The amount varies
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy, Manufacturing |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: WI
- Authority: DATCP
- Form of subsidy: Woody biomass harvesting and processing tax credit
- Objective: Equipment investment used to harvest or process woody biomass for fuel
- Recipients: Eligible recipients are those that meet the equipment investment requirements
- Description : This programme provides a tax credit up to 10% of the amount paid in the taxable year for equipment used primarily to harvest or process woody biomass that is used as fuel or component of fuel
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-I§3 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The Angolan Government approved its long-term National Development Strategy, named "Angola 2025", materialized in the National Development Plan 2013-2017 ("Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento" - PND). As a result, the country entered in phase characterized by modernization and development sustainability, centred on stability, growth and empowerment of Angolan citizens.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/321/REV.1 |
S-I§11 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
(...) Vision 2025 defined aspirations for Angola's equitable and inclusive economic development, based on its enormous resources; and the PND (National Development Plan 2013-2017 - "Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento") set the following national development priorities: (...) an improvement in the management of natural resources (agriculture, fishing, oil and mining).
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-III§11 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
There are several programmes in progress which focus, among other, (...) maintainable the sustainability of natural resources.
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-III§31 |
Angola |
2015 |
Sectors |
Mining |
Relevant information
Within the scope of economic diversification policies, the Government has, among other objectives, to promote the development of the geology and mining sector in sustainable bases, generating jobs and contributing to the territorial development, productive diversification and expansion of the economy with the implementation of the following programmes: (i) Recovery of the geological infrastructures; (ii) Implementation of the National Plan of Geology ("Plano Nacional de Geologia" - PLANAGEO); (iii) Development of the Human resources; (iv) Creation of sectorial companies; and (v) Provide a critical financial and economic analysis on the diamond companies.
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-III§32 |
Angola |
2015 |
Sectors |
Mining |
Relevant information
PLANAGEO has the following objectives: (i) Revitalize the national mining sector, by diversifying the mining production, and increasing the sources of income, simultaneously with the increment of the production and the operationalizing the institutions that are part of it; (ii) to Improve the knowledge of on the potential of the mineral resources in the national territory; (iii) to Assure sustainable development of the country, namely by increasing the contribution of the mining sector to the GDP.
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/321/REV.1 |
S-II§13 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
Where technical assistance is concerned, since the last review in 2006 the WTO has organized 15 national technical cooperation activities in Angola [28] (…)
[28] The topics addressed were: (…) trade and environment, (…)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-III.3.3 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
International agreements
• South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization (SEAFO): Angola signed the Convention to create this organization with the view facilitate conservation of fish populations, through the adoption of the UN agreement on the conservation and ordering of these resources.
• International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT): Angola is a member of this intergovernmental organization with the objective of to conserve tuna and similar species of the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/321/REV.1 |
G-IV§36 |
Angola |
2015 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in addition to the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, should be dealt with urgency in order to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and traditional knowledge of origin countries.