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S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy, Manufacturing |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NM
- Authority: Economic Development Dept./ Taxation and Revenue Dept.
- Form of subsidy: Alternative energy product manufacturers tax credit
- Objective: Support manufacturers of electric or hybrid vehicles; fuel cell, renewable energy, and IGCC systems; and carbon sequestration equipment
- Recipients: Alternative energy companies
- Description : Manufacturers of electric or hybrid vehicles, fuel cell systems, renewable energy systems, integrated gasification combined cycle systems (IGCC) systems, and carbon sequestration equipment may receive for a tax credit of up to 5% of their capital expenses
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
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WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NM
- Authority: Economic Development Dept./ Taxation and Revenue Dept.
- Form of subsidy: Renewable energy production tax credit
- Objective: Support renewable energy production
- Recipients: Renewable energy companies
- Description : Each renewable energy generator of one megawatt or more may earn an income tax credit (personal or corporate) of US$0.027 (on average) per kWh for the first 400,000 MWh of electricity produced for ten consecutive years, beginning with the first year of production. This credit is fully refundable
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
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WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NY
- Authority: Tax Law Section 28
- Form of subsidy: Biofuels production credit (tax credit)
- Objective: Credit providing manufacturers of qualified biofuel products a refundable tax credit
- Recipients: Manufacturers of qualified biofuel products (primarily ethanol and bio-diesel).
- Description : The refundable tax credit amounts to US$0.15 per gallon of biofuel produced at plant, after first 40,000 gallons/year has been presented to the market. Credit cap of US$2.5 mill. per taxpayer per taxable year (up to four consecutive taxable years) per biofuel plant
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
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WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Loans and financing |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NY
- Authority: New York State Energy R&D Authority
- Form of subsidy: Energy Products Center (loans)
- Objective: Promote more efficient and clean supplies of energy
- Recipients: Businesses involved with a technology, product, or service generating new supplies of energy more efficiently and cleanly
- Description : Up to US$500,000 of project costs, with 50% co-funding. Project funding is budgeted in advance by programme topic and specific in each "Program Opportunity Notice". The programme money is allocated among the chosen projects. New York State lenders provide loans with an interest rate of 4.5%. The average cost of a project being funded is up to US$200,000
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy, Manufacturing, Other |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NC
- Authority: N.C.§105-275(45)
- Form of subsidy: Article 3B Renewable Energy & Waste Reduction Tax Credits
- Objective: Encourage sustainable development through renewable energy and waste reduction projects
- Recipients: Renewable energy installation; biodiesel & alternative fuel production; alternative fuel infrastructure; recycling facility
- Description : Tax credits of 25-35% of project cost per installation
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: NC
- Authority: Dept. of Revenue
- Form of subsidy: Credit for biodiesel producers (tax credit)
- Objective: Encourage biodiesel production
- Recipients: Biodiesel industry
- Description : Credit may not exceed US$500,000c
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: ND
- Authority: Tax Dept.
- Form of subsidy: Biodiesel or green diesel tax credits
- Objective: Encourage biodiesel or green diesel production
- Recipients: Biodiesel or green diesel producers, suppliers and sellers
- Description : Income tax credit equal to 10%/year for five years of costs to establish, adapt, or retrofit a facility to produce or blend at least 2% biodiesel or green diesel fuel. Any credit in excess of current year's liability may be carried forward five taxable years; cumulative credit limited to US$250,000 for all taxable years. From 31.12.2004, a licensed fuel supplier blending at least 5% biodiesel or green diesel fuel is allowed an income tax credit of 5 cents per gallon of fuel. Excess credit may be carried forward five taxable years. From 31.12.2004, a seller of biodiesel or green diesel fuel having at least a 2% blend is allowed an income tax credit equal to 10% per year for 5 years of the seller's direct costs to adapt or add equipment to their facility to enable them to sell the biodiesel or green diesel blend
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Loans and financing |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: ND
- Authority: Bank of North Dakota
- Form of subsidy: Biofuels Partnership in Assisting Community Expansion (PACE) (interest rate subsidy)
- Objective: Encourage biofuels production
- Recipients: Ethanol and biodiesel producers with production facility located in North Dakota
- Description : Additional criteria must be satisfied: The facility must make agriculturally derived denatured ethanol, or biodegradable, combustible liquid fuel from vegetable oil or animal fat; the fuel must be suited for blending with petroleum product for use in internal combustion engines; ownership: agricultural producers holding at least 10% interest in the facility and residents of North Dakota owning at least 50%. Biofuels PACE was established to buy down the interest rate on loans to biodiesel and ethanol production facilities, and livestock operations. Interest buy down of 5% below the note rate
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: ND
- Authority: Dept. of Commerce
- Form of subsidy: Ethanol Incentive Program (grants)
- Objective: Encourage ethanol production
- Recipients: Ethanol producers
- Description : The incentive calculation factors in the difference between baseline prices for ethanol and corn and quarterly average North Dakota prices for ethanol and corn. Producers may apply for incentives on a quarterly basis by providing proof of the number of gallons of ethanol produced. Total cumulative incentive to all eligible producers capped at US$1.6 million in any year. No producer may receive incentive payments exceeding US$10 million over the life of their production facility
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/350 |
S-Table-A3.4 |
United States of America |
2016 |
Measures |
Loans and financing |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A3. 4 Selected sub-federal subsidy schemes for "greener" energy
- State: OH
- Authority: Development Services Agency
- Form of subsidy: Advanced Energy Fund (loan)
- Objective: Utilize energy efficient measures and technologies, reduce energy usage, reduce fossil fuel emissions and create/retain jobs
- Recipients: Projects located in Ohio in the service territories of one of the four participating electric distribution companies
- Description : The four participating companies are: American Electric Power, Duke Energy, Dayton Power and Light and First Energy. Eligible entities apply through the Energy Loan Fund. Amounts under this programme are based on entity type: (1) manufacturers & small businesses: loan up to 80% of total project costs; and (2) public entities: loan up to 90% of total project costs. Typical loan amounts range from US$50,000‑US$5 million
Source: WTO document G/SCM/N/284/USA, 18 November 2015.