Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-IV§50 |
2017 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Fisheries |
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(...) Côte d'Ivoire is a contracting party to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-Table-IV.4 |
2017 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Fisheries |
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Table 4.4 Laws and regulations concerning trade in fisheries products, 2017
Legislation Area
Order No. 62, 19/10/2009 Project to build up the knowledge base with a view to implementing an ecosystem approach to maritime fisheries (EAF-Nansen)
Order No. 83, 30/12/2009 Project to support the sustainable management of fisheries resources (PAGDRH)
Order No. 17, 29/04/2010 Programme to support the sustainable management of fisheries resources (PAGDRH)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-IV§86 |
2017 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Energy |
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The authorities are also keen to promote and develop sources of renewable energy. To this end, a number of power stations are planned: a 25 MW-peak solar power station at Korhogo, another 50 MW peak in the north of the country, a 2 x 23 MW palm oil biomass power station, and solar power minigrids in Zanzan district in particular. A call for expressions of interest has been issued for the construction and operation of a 25 MW cotton biomass power station at Boundiali and a 20 MW cocoa biomass power station at Gagnoa.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-Table-II.1 |
2017 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Table 2.1 Guinea Bissau's legislative texts relating to trade and investment, 2012
Legislation Area
Law No. 10/2010 of 24 September 2010 Establishing a procedure for the environmental assessment of projects, leading to the issuance of an environmental licence
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-II§14 |
2017 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Guinea Bissau's trade policy objectives are framed within the country's global development strategy, the "Terra Ranka" Plan, drawn up in collaboration with UNDP and the European Union and adopted in September 2014. The plan covers the period 2015 2025. It proactively pursues the following aims: (...)
• Tripling sales in the fishing and aquaculture sector and creating 100,000 jobs in the sector by 2025 through stricter surveillance of territorial waters, methodical collection of fees payable by foreign vessels, the setting of rules for sustainable fishery resource management, and promotion of private investment, initially focusing on small scale processing and aquaculture, then on industrial processing in a special economic zone in Bissau.
• The development of eco tourism, recreational fishing and beach tourism especially in the Bijagós Archipelago, in the form of a special tourist zone managed by a dedicated agency that will implement an urgent infrastructure development programme and create a best practice model for responsible ecosystem management and participatory and inclusive development that benefits local communities.
• Developing the mining sector in a new regulatory framework that is guided by the sustainable development goals, focusing initially on small scale mining and construction materials, then, as of 2020, on the working of large phosphate, then bauxite mines. Impact and feasibility studies will also be conducted for hydrocarbons.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-II§24 |
2017 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Law No. 10/2010 of 24 September 2010 created a procedure for the environmental assessment of projects, for the purposes of issuing an "environmental licence" for projects, programmes, plans or policies to be implemented. Applications for environmental licences are automatically rejected in the case of projects, programmes, plans or policies to be implemented in classified/protected zones, wetlands of national or international importance, or zones vulnerable and sensitive to natural events, among others. All investment projects must obtain an environmental licence.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-III§19 |
2017 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Manufacturing |
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Guinea Bissau has not yet replaced the general sales tax (IGV) by value added tax (VAT); the principal WAEMU directives for this purpose are therefore not applied (common report, section 3.1.5). The application of the IGV, whose basic rate was raised from 15% to 17% in 2015, continues to pose the problem of cascade taxation. A lower rate (10%) still applies to some products and services. [10] (...)
[10] The list includes: cereals, rice, flour, bread and similar preparations, milk, newspapers and publications, firefighting devices, natural gas, petroleum products, fertilizer, live animals, animal feed, seeds, tractors and agricultural machinery, computer and solar energy material and equipment, and funeral urns.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-Table-III.5 |
2017 |
Measures |
Import licences |
Chemicals |
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Table 3.5 Import controls, 2017
Product Document required Description
Ozone depleting substances (Montreal Protocol) Prior authorization from the Directorate General of the Environment
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WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-III§31 |
2017 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Forestry |
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In general, Guinea Bissau prohibits the export of wood in logs felled in dubious circumstances in order to combat the illegal and abusive felling of forests. An exception was made in 2015, however, for a stock of 83,000m3 of wood already felled.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/362 |
S-IV§7 |
2017 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture |
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The Country Programming Framework (CPF 2014-2017), based on a multi-sectoral approach to rural development, is the reference framework for medium-term planning and programming of cooperation between the Government and FAO. In the long term, implementation of the CPF should contribute to the food and nutritional security of the population, in line with the PNIA objective. To this end, the CPF identifies three priority areas: (a) performance, sustainability and efficiency of family agriculture systems; (b) resilience and nutrition of the population with regard to stresses, climate changes, food crises and natural disasters; and (c) governance in the areas of food security and nutrition and protection of natural resources. The total cost of the CPF is estimated at about CFAF 5 billion.
Natural resources
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