Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§83 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Technical regulation or specifications |
Manufacturing |
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The Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme is administered by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, and requires local manufacturers or importers of the prescribed products to submit specified information and documents for the assignment of reference numbers. Local manufacturers or importers are required to attach energy labels in the prescribed format specified in the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance (Cap. 598) before supplying these products in HKC. Local suppliers (including wholesalers and retailers) are not allowed to supply any specified product which has not been assigned a reference number and does not bear energy labels. Some types of household electrical appliances are subject to energy-efficiency labelling in order to inform consumers' choice.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§96 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Regulation affecting movement or transit |
Agriculture |
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The Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance (Cap. 607) regulates the release into the environment and the transboundary movement of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). No one is allowed to release a GMO into the environment or import a GMO intended to be released into the environment unless the GMO has been approved by the AFCD or is exempted from approval. [86] This requirement does not apply to GMOs in transit or transhipment, or if the GMO is a pharmaceutical product for human use. Exports of GMOs intended for release into the environment are not permitted, unless an export notification is submitted to the competent authority, and/or approval of the competent authority of the place of destination is obtained according to the legal or regulatory requirements of that place, and copies thereof are sent to the Director of the AFCD. [87]
[86] Sections 6 and 7 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance. Two varieties of GM papaya and any GMO that is contained in a veterinary vaccine are exempted from AFCD approval.
[87] Sections 23 and 24 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§97 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Risk assessment |
Agriculture |
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Any person wishing to release a GMO into the environment or import a GMO for the same purpose must submit an approval application in a specified form and a risk assessment report on the possible adverse biosafety effect of the GMO. In addition, importers must provide information, inter alia, on the regulatory status of the GMO in the place from which it is to be imported. [88] The authorities have indicated that no applications for either release or import for release have been submitted since the Ordinance (Cap. 607) came into effect.
[88] Section 8 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§98 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Agriculture |
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Imports of GMOs (whether for release into the environment; contained use; direct consumption as food or feed; or processing) must be accompanied by the documents prescribed in the Regulations, containing information such as the GMO's common and scientific names, its new or modified traits and characteristics, and the contact details of the exporter and importer. [89] The documentation requirements do not apply to import shipments of GMOs for contained use or for processing that are unintentionally mixed with other living organisms, where the quantity of the GMOs in the total quantity of living organisms in the lot does not exceed the prescribed percentage, which is currently set at 5%. [90] The AFCD carries out random sampling on shipments to verify compliance with the restrictions on the import and export of GMOs intended for release into the environment and the documentation requirements.
[89] The Genetically Modified Organisms (Documentation for Import and Export) Regulation, Cap. 607A.
[90] Section 26 of Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§119 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Public procurement |
All products/economic activities |
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During the review period, HKC introduced some changes to its government procurement regime, in order to bring regulations in line with the revised GPA, which came into force on 6 April 2014, as well as to (…) promote green procurement.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-III§139 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Measures |
Public procurement |
All products/economic activities |
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Since 2000, HKC has introduced green procurement rules in the SPRs that require departments and bureaux to take environmental considerations into account in setting out the tender specifications, and to purchase green products and services as far as possible and where economically rational. These considerations include recyclability, energy efficiency, clean technology and/or clean fuels, water consumption, emissions of irritating or toxic substances, and production of toxic substances upon disposal. The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has further developed green specifications and guidelines for 150 items of goods and services commonly used by departments and bureaux with reference to the standards and practices generally adopted in the market to practise green procurement. The green specifications are mandatory when there are adequate models and sufficient supplies of such goods in the market. For supplies with uncertain market availability, the green specifications are deemed as desirable. For tenders with identical offers in all respects, the one which meets the desirable green specifications will be given preference. Since July 2015, procuring entities are required to take the following measures to foster green procurement: adopt as far as practicable the green specifications issued by the EPD in their purchases; make an annual report on green procurements; and incorporate green guidelines into new cleansing contracts and minimum emission standards into tender requirements for new vehicle hiring services contracts. [131]
[131] Environment Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 6/2015.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-IV§2 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture, Fisheries |
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The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is responsible for (…) preserving ecological integrity. (…)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-IV§5 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Sectors |
Non-monetary support |
Agriculture |
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The AFCD provides technical support to local farmers producing organic agricultural products, through the introduction of organic production standards and requirements, and helps farmers resolve problems concerning pest management, horticultural practices and soil management. At end-2017, there were 309 farms producing about six tonnes of organic vegetables a day.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-IV§6 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Sectors |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture |
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In 2016, the Government announced a New Agriculture Policy, with a view to promoting the modernization and sustainable development of local agriculture. The main initiatives under the Policy include: (1) establishing a HK$500 million Sustainable Agricultural Development Fund (SADF), with a view to providing financial support for the modernization and sustainable development of local agriculture; (2) establishing an agricultural park, with a view to helping nurture agro-technology and agro-business management; (3) commissioning a consultancy study on agricultural priority areas, with a view to identifying large areas of agricultural land and exploring ways to provide incentives for their revitalization; and (4) facilitating the development and modernization of local agriculture and the wider adoption of hydroponics and agro-technology. The SADF, launched in December 2016, provides financial support to projects that are deemed productivity-enhancing to benefit the whole agriculture sector in HKC; a Farm Improvement Scheme (FIS) provides direct grants to farmers up to a maximum of HK$30,000, with a view to encouraging the mechanization of farms.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/380 |
S-IV§12 |
Hong Kong, China |
2018 |
Sectors |
Non-monetary support, Loans and financing |
Fisheries |
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The AFCD provides basic infrastructure, technical advice, liaison services, marketing, and training to assist fishermen and to encourage conversion to sustainable fisheries. Fishermen and fish farmers may also benefit from low-interest loans under funds administered by the AFCD: the Fisheries Development Loan Fund (FDLF) , the Fish Marketing Organization Loan Fund , and the Kadoorie Agriculture Aid Loan Fund (Table 4.1).
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