Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§77 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Chemicals, Mining, Other |
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Exports of certain goods are prohibited or restricted in order to preserve or protect (...) the environment and (...) to comply with international agreements (...) such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). There is a ban on the export of wild species, (...) . It is also forbidden to export certain organic chemicals; products containing asbestos; and archaeological, historical and artistic objects.
Natural resources
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§78 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Export quotas |
Agriculture, Other |
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Exports of alpacas and llamas are subject to quotas set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation so as ensure the conservation of the genetic material of these species and foster economic, social and environmental sustainability in the Andean region and among farming communities and agricultural firms involved in this activity.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§83 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Agriculture |
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Relevant information
In pillar 2, "Developing diversified, competitive and sustainable exportable supply", the focus has been on meeting and certifying international standards in order to differentiate Peru's exportable supply. (...) more than 3,000 producers (...) have been certified in respect of good agricultural practices, organic production and fair trade. (...) 865 enterprises have benefitted from training and certification programmes on good manufacturing practices and sustainability. (...)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§117 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Manufacturing |
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(…) All goods may enter the Special Development Zones (ZEDs), except for: (a) goods subject to an import prohibition; (b) weapons and their accessories; and (c) goods that are harmful to health, the environment, safety or public morals. (…)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§121 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Tax concessions, Investment measures |
Services, Energy |
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The Programme for the Promotion of Investment in the Amazon Region, (...) grants subsidies to companies located in the Amazon region, (...) designed to promote the sustainable and overall development of the Amazon region through public and private investment. The tax concessions provided are only available to companies located in this area. (...) Taxpayers living in the Amazon region are given income tax exemption or reduction, depending on their activity; (...) exemption for services provided in the region and for construction contracts or the first sale of real estate by constructors in the region; and exemption (...) on sales to dealers and end consumers of petroleum, natural gas and their by products.
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§145 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Technical regulation or specifications |
All products/economic activities |
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Peru's legislation also allows for emergency technical regulations (RTs) to be issued, and these must be notified within three working days after their publication or entry into effect. They may be adopted without observing the deadline for comments and are issued only when national safety, health or environmental protection issues arise or are likely to do so. (...)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§149 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Technical regulation or specifications |
Agriculture |
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Relevant information
Between 2013 and 2018, WTO Members raised three specific trade concerns regarding Peruvian technical regulations in relation to the following: (...) the Implementing Regulations of 14 November 2012 for Moratorium on Planting Genetically Engineered Crops (Mexico and the United States); and the Draft Supreme Decree Approving the Regulations Governing the Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods. (...)
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-Table-III.11 |
Peru |
2019 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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SPS legal framework, 2019
Institution and legal instrument Description Date of publication
Law No. 29196 Law on the Promotion of Organic or Ecological Production 29 January 2008
Supreme Decree No. Approves the regulations implementing Law No. 29196, 24 July 2012
010-2012-AG Law on the Promotion of Organic or Ecological Production
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§225 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Public procurement |
Services |
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The participation in government procurement of regional and local enterprises outside the provinces of Lima and Callao is also encouraged. (…) In general, where specified by the entity's selection procedure rules, additional points are assigned to the bids of enterprises that meet evaluation criteria in respect of environmental or social sustainability (for example, responsible water use), (...).
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Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/393/REV.2 |
S-III§242 |
Peru |
2019 |
Measures |
Intellectual property measures |
Not specified |
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Relevant information
This has been incorporated into Peruvian domestic legislation through Law No. 27811 of 2002, which establishes the special protection regime for the collective knowledge of indigenous peoples relating to biological resources in Peru. The unauthorized disclosure, acquisition or use of the accumulated and transgenerational knowledge developed by indigenous communities concerning the properties, uses and characteristics of biological diversity is protected. These rights are inalienable and imprescriptible. [210]
[210]Law No. 27811 establishing the Regime for Protection of the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples Relating to Biological Resources, published in August 2002.
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