Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§13 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
3.13. Sustainability is understood as the balance among the three pillars (environmental, economic and social) and actions in this area seek to include all actors in the chain in order to "leave no one behind" (Just Transition), adapted to national realities and the pace of each productive sector. Moreover, work to improve productive systems should not lose sight of the fact that the main contribution of agriculture to the Sustainable Development Goals is through SDG1 (no poverty) and SDG2 (zero hunger).
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§14 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
3.14. Argentina is strongly committed to agricultural sustainability and this is the direction of its current policies. (...) The responsibilities are common but differentiated; countries that developed on the basis of intensive natural resource use policies have the historical responsibility to provide appropriate solutions.
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§18 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture, Fisheries |
Relevant information
3.18. The strengthening and professionalization of decentralized bodies reporting to the Ministry has also been a core idea of the current administration: (...) (ii) the National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA), which is responsible for contributing to the sustainable development of the agricultural, agri food and agro industrial sector through research, promoting innovation and knowledge transfer for the growth of the country; (iii) the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (INIDEP), the agency responsible for advising on the rational use of fisheries resources with the objective of preserving the marine ecosystem for future generations; (...).
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§44 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Sectors |
Non-monetary support, Other support measures |
Energy, Manufacturing, Other |
Relevant information
3.44. As a complement to the elements and lines of action mentioned, Argentina considers that no productive development policy can be sustainable if it does not embrace the environmental dimension, pursuing a path of innovation to create new technologies to increase per capita GDP and productivity while reducing the impact on the environment. Examples include the development of e mobility, wind energy and solar thermal energy technologies, and the refurbishment of household appliances to promote energy efficiency. This is underpinned by awareness raising campaigns, sustainable production training programmes, the creation of forums for discussion and dialogue among the various actors (the public and private sectors, NGOs, cooperatives, workers), the creation of the industrial parks development programme, which incorporates the dimension of "green and sustainable parks" (through compliance with good environmental practices) and an ambitious programme for the elimination of landfills, which targets the closure of over 5,000 landfill sites and the construction of socio environmental complexes for tailored and efficient waste management.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§54 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Measures |
Non-monetary support, Other support measures |
Not specified |
Relevant information
3.54. In addition, and with the aim of continuously improving the competitiveness and productivity of MSMEs, the government supports these enterprises with comprehensive plans in various strategic areas, such as (...) sustainable development. (...) In all of these areas, Argentina is implementing awareness raising measures in MSMEs, training required by intermediate enterprises and institutions, and technical and economic assistance to advance implementation, promotion and market positioning plans.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-3§56 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Measures |
Loans and financing, Non-monetary support |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
3.56. In addition, in order to foster and strengthen entrepreneurship, Argentina is implementing training policies, coordination with actors in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, internationalization and access to financing sources. Apart from reducing the impact of the pandemic, the aim is to use the programmes to target sectors considered strategic for the country, such as agri food, e mobility, social and/or environmental impact (...).
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-4§3 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Trade Policy Framework |
General environmental reference |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
4.3. (...) In addition, we are committed to the ongoing implementation of the "G20 Actions to Support World Trade and Investment in Response to COVID 19", endorsed in 2020 with a view to mitigating the trade impacts of the pandemic and contributing to an inclusive and sustainable recovery.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-4§7 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Trade Policy Framework |
General environmental reference |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
4.7. As a founding Member of the WTO, (...) Argentina is playing a constructive role and making every effort not only to preserve but also to continue strengthening the WTO and fully reaffirms that the objectives of the multilateral trading system must continue to be to raise living standards, ensure full employment and promote sustainable development.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-4§18 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Other support measures |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.18. Argentina considers it a priority to bring to a successful conclusion the negotiations on fisheries subsidies disciplines by fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 14.6 and WTO negotiating mandates, ensuring sustainable exploitation of global fisheries and ending the exponential damage caused by illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, an aspect that has had a particular historical impact on Argentina in both environmental and economic terms.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/412 |
G-5§31 |
Argentina |
2021 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Environmental provisions in trade agreements |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
5.31. At the regional level, Argentina began negotiations with Mexico in 2016 to expand and strengthen Economic Complementation Agreement (ACE) No. 6 and, in 2016 (...) Moreover, Argentina initiated negotiations with Peru to expand and strengthen, at the bilateral level, ACE No. 58 (MERCOSUR Peru). In both cases, the negotiations also cover provisions on cross border trade in services, investment, government procurement, trade and the environment, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), gender and other subjects.