Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A2.1 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Other measures |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A2.1 Activity in WTO dispute settlement to which the United States is a Party, August 2018 March 2022
Subject/ WTO document series - United States – Certain Measures Relating to the Renewable Energy Sector /WT/DS510
Respondent/Complainant - India
Consultations Request date - 15/08/2019b
Status (as at 31 March 2022) - US appealed
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A2.1 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Other measures |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table A2.1 Activity in WTO dispute settlement to which the United States is a Party, August 2018 March 2022
Subject/ WTO document series - United States – Safeguard Measure on Imports of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products /WT/DS562
Respondent/Complainant - China
Consultations Request date - 16/09/2021b
Status (as at 31 March 2022) - China appealed
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition of importation of shrimp and shrimp products harvested with commercial fishing technology that may adversely affect sea turtles. /Section 609, P.L. 101-162, 1990; 16 U.S.C. 1537.
WTO Justification /Agency - Conservation of exhaustible natural resources /State
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on importation of yellowfin tuna caught using purse seine fishing gear in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Implementation of the International Dolphin Conservation Agreement Program (AIDCP). /Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, Section 101 (16 U.S.C. 1371)
WTO Justification /Agency - Protection of human, animal or plant life or health /NOAA
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on the importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products /Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, (16 U.S.C. 1371-1372)
WTO Justification /Agency - Conservation of exhaustible natural resources /NOAA, FWS
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Chemicals |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on the importation of certain toxic substances. / Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.)
WTO Justification /Agency - Protection of human, animal or plant life or health
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Chemicals |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on the importation of certain ozone-depleting substances. Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. /Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 7671o)
WTO Justification /Agency - Protection of human, animal or plant life or health / EPA
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Fisheries, Other |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on importing, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing in interstate or foreign commerce any fish, wildlife or plant, taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of relevant U.S. or foreign laws. /Lacey Act Amendments of 1981, as amended. (16 U.S.C. 3371)
WTO Justification /Agency - Conservation of exhaustible natural resources / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Other |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on importing, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing in interstate or foreign commerce any live lion, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, clouded leopard, jaguar, cheetah, or cougar, or any hybrids of any of these species, with some exceptions. /Captive Wildlife Safety Act, (16 U.S.C. 3371)
WTO Justification /Agency - Conservation of exhaustible natural resources / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/434/REV.1 |
S-Table-A3.3 |
United States of America |
2022 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition |
Forestry, Other |
Relevant information
Table A3.3 Import prohibitions, restrictions, and other measures 2022
General description /Legal basis - Prohibition on the importation of species, including offspring and eggs, designated through statute or regulation to be injurious to human beings, to the interests of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, or to wildlife or the wildlife resources of the United States, with some exceptions. / Lacey Act of 1900, as amended (18 U.S.C. 42(a)-(b)); 18 U.S.C. § 42(a)(1); 50 C.F.R. §§ 16.3-16.15.
WTO Justification /Agency - Protection of human, animal or plant life or health / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior