Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§107 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Loans and financing, Investment measures |
Services |
Relevant information
3.107. (...) The authorities attribute the relative decline in the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) support to lower demand for financing, as well as to the termination of the Programme for the Sustainability of Investment (PSI) in 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-Table-3.14 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Other support measures |
Energy |
Relevant information
Table 3.14. Sectoral science, technology and innovation (S, T&I) funds, 2022: (...)
Fund/Law: Hydric Resources Fund (CT-HIDRO), Law No. 9,993, 24 July 2000
Resources: 4% of the financial compensation of electricity generation companies
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§115 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Conformity assessment procedures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
3.115. (...) The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) continues serving as the (...) regulatory and supervising authority for legal metrology and compulsory conformity assessment in the areas of security, environmental, and health protection, and prevention of deceptive trade practices (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§128 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Other environmental requirements |
Agriculture, Other |
Relevant information
3.128. (...) The National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio), a multidisciplinary advisory body to the Federal Government, remains Brazil's authority for all activities involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs). (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§159 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Public procurement |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
3.159. Article 11 of the 2021 Procurement Law provides that the procurement process should aim at: (...) (iii) encouraging innovation and sustainable national development. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§171 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Not specified |
Relevant information
3.171. In addition, Article 26:6 of the 2021 Procurement Law allows the use of offsets. (...) The use of offsets is further regulated by Decree No. 7,546/11, which sets out an indicative list of compensation measures (e.g. co production, production under licence, sub-contracted production, technology transfer, and capacity-building). Additional compensation provisions in the environment and cultural/historical sectors can be found in Laws No. 12,462/11 (Article 4) and No. 13,303/16 (Article 32). For example, pursuant to both laws, procurements that are deemed to have a negative impact on the environment must provide for appropriate environmental compensation.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-3§176 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Measures |
Other measures |
Other |
Relevant information
3.176. (...) Brazil ratified the (...) Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (the Nagoya Protocol) in 2021. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-4§1 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
4.1. (...) Agricultural zoning requirements continue to link agricultural support to environmental sustainability.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-4§2 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Sectors |
Other support measures |
Mining |
Relevant information
4.2. (...) Domestic support for developing mining companies and sustainable technologies was made available to selected firms. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/432/REV.1 |
S-4§3 |
Brazil |
2022 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Energy |
Relevant information
4.3. (...) The Brazilian energy matrix continued to be one of the greenest in the world, and solar energy capacity increased by 70% from 2020 to 2021, reaching 13 GW in installed capacity. (...) Brazil started implementing its National Biofuels Policy (RenovaBio). (...)