Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§30 |
2023 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Forestry |
Relevant information
4.30. At present, there are no Community regulations governing the forestry sector at the CEMAC level. At the ECCAS level, the Commission of Central African Forests (COMIFAC) is responsible for coordinating subregional initiatives for the conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§31 |
2023 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Forestry |
Relevant information
4.31. Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Congo and Gabon are members of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The ITTO is an intergovernmental framework for consultation and cooperation on matters relating to the international trade in tropical timber and the sustainable management of its resource base. It is governed by the International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA), concluded in 1983 and revised in 1994. The objectives of the ITTA are "to promote the expansion and diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests and to promote the sustainable management of tropical timber producing forests".
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§32 |
2023 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.32. With its favourable ecological and edaphic conditions, CEMAC is a major freshwater reservoir, as well as a conducive environment for the development of inland and marine fisheries and aquaculture production. With some 1,752 km of coastline and 554,000 km2 of exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the CEMAC countries have an estimated sustainable fish production potential of around 800,000 tonnes. However, the contribution of the fisheries and aquaculture sector to GDP and export earnings remains insignificant and below its full capacity.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§34 |
2023 |
Sectors |
Other support measures, Other measures |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.34. CEBEVIRHA is also the CEMAC implementing agency for fisheries and aquaculture. Its objectives are to implement a fisheries policy, improve fish health and control the fish environment. It has implemented the Promotion of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Project (PPCA), with a budget of CFAF 5.1 billion. The project seeks to ensure sustainable management of the region's fishery resources and better harness the potential of the subregion's aquatic environments. The project is expected to contribute to improving the governance and management frameworks for inland fisheries and aquaculture, and to support the activities of small scale fishers and fish farmers, and their organizations, by enabling them to move from subsistence activities to profitable, market oriented activities.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§36 |
2023 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.36. At the ECCAS level, the Gulf of Guinea Regional Fisheries Commission (COREP) is the specialized body in charge of fisheries matters. COREP's objective is to develop the exploitation of fishery resources in the exclusive economic zones of the member countries. It has adopted a strategic action plan based on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and is also in charge of implementing the ACP Fish II programme, a European Union project aimed at improving fishery management in the ACP countries.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§47 |
2023 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Energy |
Relevant information
4.47. (...) The vast majority of the rural population use charcoal and firewood, which is gathered without any concern for their replacement and burnt in unhealthy conditions. Despite great potential, especially for decentralized applications, the role of solar and wind energy is still limited.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-4§71 |
2023 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Services |
Relevant information
4.71. At its session of 19 October 2017 the ad hoc Council of Ministers for Transport and Public Works approved a CEMAC transport policy for Central Africa for 2035. The policy was subsequently adopted by the Council of Ministers and the CEMAC Conference of Heads of State at their meetings at end October 2017. The aim of the policy is to "ensure the smooth flow of trade in goods and movement of persons between the countries of Central Africa by means of a transport policy covering all modes and components of the transport system in order to achieve sustainable economic and social development in the region". It is based on an unflinching seven point analysis of the transport situation in the subregion: (...) • the real risk of increased environmental damage caused by transport and the need for security and safety improvements; (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-1§2 |
2023 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
1.2. Cameroon boasts vast natural resources (including oil, gas and wood) and a favourable climate for developing agriculture, the main products of which are coffee, cocoa, cotton and bananas. (...)
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-2§29 |
2023 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Investment measures |
Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services |
Relevant information
2.29. (...). The benefits under the Private Investment Law are available to a range of activities, particularly in the agriculture, tourism and manufacturing sectors, as well as to activities that contribute to environmental protection.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/445 |
S-2§36 |
2023 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Investment measures |
Other |
Relevant information
2.36. Under the Law on incentives for private investment in Cameroon, concessions may also be granted on the basis of specific activities, including: (...); the acquisition and on site installation of specialized materials and equipment for treating and purifying solid, liquid or gaseous industrial waste in order to prevent it from being discharged in the form of effluents, gas or other substances that are harmful to health.