Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/421/REV.1 |
S-4§150 |
Panama |
2022 |
Sectors |
Other price and market based measures |
Services |
Relevant information
4.150. (...) In addition to tolls, a freshwater usage charge has been levied since 2020. This charge is composed of a fixed component (PAB 10,000) and a variable component, consisting of a percentage of between 1% and 10% of the toll value, determined according to the availability of water at the time of transit. The higher the water level at the time of transit, the lower the percentage charged and vice versa. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/421/REV.1 |
S-4§155 |
Panama |
2022 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Services |
Relevant information
4.155. Panama did not revise its legislation governing tourism during the period under review. This legislation includes Laws No. 73 and No. 74, both of 22 December 1976, and Executive Decree No. 82 of 23 December 2008. The Government's 2019–24 Strategic Plan recognizes the need to update legislation in order to regulate new tourism products. [212]
[212] Among others, health, rural, sports, cultural, adventure, gastronomic, convention and exhibition tourism and ecotourism.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/421/REV.1 |
S-4§157 |
Panama |
2022 |
Sectors |
General environmental reference |
Services |
Relevant information
4.157. In Panama, tourism is considered a sector of national priority interest. Since the previous review in 2014, the objectives for the development of the sector have not changed. Panama seeks to increase the sector's contribution to GDP and employment by promoting an inclusive and sustainable tourism model and positioning itself as a world-class tourism destination by consolidating and diversifying its international tourism offerings. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/421/REV.1 |
S-Table-4.19 |
Panama |
2022 |
Sectors |
Other support measures, Tax concessions |
Services |
Relevant information
Table 4.19. Main incentives granted to tourism enterprises, 2014–20:
Legal framework: beneficiaries and requirements; Incentives; Amount of exemptions 2014–20 (PAB):
Article 5 of Law No. 80 of 08.11.2012, amended by Law No. 82 of 18.04.2019: tourist accommodation having up to 50 rooms and having obtained the tourism quality label awarded by the ATP, Investment requirement: none; Tariff exemptions: (...) from 2019, energy-saving equipment (five years), Exemption from income tax (five years) and property tax (10 years); ..,..
Article 8 of Law No. 80 of 08.11.2012, as amended by Law No. 91 of 26.12.2017 and regulated by Executive Decree No. 319 of 03.12.2020: companies marketing "special tourism products": (...) ecotourism (...) Investment requirement: between PAB 5,000 and PAB 300,000, depending on the product.; Tariff exemptions: building materials (five years); fixtures, furniture and equipment, including vehicles (10 years), Exemption from ISC and ITBMS: building materials (five years); fixtures, furniture and equipment, including vehicles (10 years), Exemption from income tax (15 years); .., ..., ..
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§51 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Other measures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
2.51. The sectoral strategic plans, which are in the process of elaboration, are correlated with the international commitments of the Republic of Moldova. The draft national development strategy and other draft sectoral strategic documents are based on two horizontal priorities Green and Digital (...)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§64 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Sectors |
Other measures |
Manufacturing, Other |
Relevant information
2.64. (...) the Government's Action Plan for 2021-2022, approved by Government Decision No. 235/2021, provides for the approval of the Strategy for an Inclusive, Sustainable and Digital Economy by 2030, as well as the development of programs under the strategy. One of the programs subordinated to the strategy will be The Industrial Development Program, defining the development of a competitive, resilient, digitalized and sustainable industrial sector, focused on thematic interventions in high value-added sectors, including electronics, creative industry, automotive industry, biopharma etc.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§78 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Measures |
Other support measures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
2.78. (...)The limited internationalization of Moldovan SMEs is a long-term challenge, and more emphasis could be placed on making better use of Moldova's DCFTA with the EU. In addition, Moldova could further support the innovation activities of SMEs and their transition to the green economy.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§82 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Measures |
Other environmental requirements, Other measures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
2.82. Moldova has an established practice of mandatory consultations with the public and private enterprise sectors. According to the Law on Transparency in the Decision-Making Process (2008), public consultations are mandatory for each legislative and regulatory act that has a social, economic, or environmental impact. (...)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§91 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Measures |
Other support measures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
2.91. The evaluation conducted in 2021 emphasizes the positive impact on the SME sector that was achieved in the period of the implementation of the SME Strategy 2012-2020, primarily by improving the business environment and implementing diverse direct support programmes for SMEs. (...). The important reforms have been made, but progress needs to be maintained. The index highlights some areas where Moldova should focus in the future: (...) • Supporting the innovation activities of SMEs and their transition to the green economy.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/428 |
G-2§96 |
Moldova, Republic of |
2022 |
Measures |
Grants and direct payments, Other support measures |
All products/economic activities |
Relevant information
2.96. The Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector (ODIMM) currently manages a wide range of business support programs, most of which provide integrated training, funding and mentoring. The total budget allocated from public funds for 2022 is MDL 340 million. Among the most relevant Grant Component Funding Programs are:
• "START for YOUTH: a sustainable business at home" Program;
• Small and medium-sized enterprise greening Program;