Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-III§68-69 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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As regards strategic sectors - services and public enterprises - the State can reserve the right to manage, regulate, control and administer strategic sectors, in accordance with the principles of environmental sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-III§70-82 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Non-renewable natural resources are an inalienable and non-transferable part of State patrimony including water, while the Constitution prohibits the appropriation of genetic resources forming part of biological diversity and agro- biodiversity
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-III§104-105 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The National Plan for the Development of Good Living proposes economic and trade policies such as Promote, manage and plan the integrated and sustainable management of water resources to guarantee the availability of water in sufficient quantity and quality to ensure food and energy sovereignty; expand national capacity for power-generation based on renewable sources; Promote the creation of a new international financial architecture under principles of social, gender and environmental justice; attract external saving for long-term sustainable projects; coordinate, on a convergent basis, the economic, social, cultural, migratory and environmental policies of countries that are members of the regional integration schemes in which Ecuador participates; include new participants in foreign trade, particularly micro, small, and medium-sized production units and the non-industrial sector, promoting environmentally responsible and job-creating initiatives; position the country, on the strength of its natural heritage, in the global mechanisms to combat climate change; Implement a tax-and-tariff policy to protect and promote domestic production, wealth redistribution, income and environmental responsibility; Generate incentives for environmentally responsible export products
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-III§125 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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A tax reform proposal is under discussion - the aim of which is correcting environmental and public health imbalances - to promote responsible use of fossil fuels, non-degradable plastics and non-recyclable packaging
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-IV§137-143, 163 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The Agenda for Productive Transformation is consolidated through the creation of the Organic Code of Production, covering topics relating to productive development, the development of productive investment and its instruments, external trade, systemic competitiveness, and the sustainability of production, all within a framework of respect for the environment and strengthening of Ecuadorian industry and MSMEs
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-IV§157, 277 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Ecuador attaches special importance to the amendment of the TRIPS Agreement, to include the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity requiring patent applicants to disclose the source and country of origin of the biological/genetic material and associated traditional knowledge used in their invention, as well as evidence of prior informed consent and benefit sharing requirements
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-IV§158 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Ecuador is a member of the so-called "Friends of Fish" coalition, which seeks the elimination of fishery subsidies granted by the developed countries as a decisive factor for conserving fishery resources, avoiding overexploitation and overfishing of this resource, and recognition of special and differential treatment for the developing countries, particularly in the most vulnerable sectors such as small-scale fishing
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-IV§165 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Ecuador incorporates concepts of cooperation, sustainable development and political dialogue, among others in the negotiation of bilateral agreements across sectors
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-IV§199 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The Export and Foreign Investment Promotion Institute (PRO ECUADOR), has four areas of work, one of which is, investment promotion, including technology transfer and environment conservation
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/254 |
G-V§229-230, 233, 235 |
Ecuador |
2011 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The Ecuadorian Government is pursuing its production, diversification and productive transformation strategy in line with public policy designed to promote production, employment and competitiveness through the efficient use of existing resources, including fostering domestic production of, trade in and sustainable consumption of goods and services, and promoting trade in products subject to environmental responsibility standards among many others