Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/271 |
S-R-I§13; S-R-IV§229 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
The Government has been applying various measures, including the Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation (LWH) programme, which uses a comprehensive watershed approach to prevent soil erosion and improve productivity of hillsides
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/271 |
S-R-IV§249-252, 256 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
The Government considers that the horticulture subsector can develop through value addition and diversification, such as focusing on organic and value-added products including juices and dried fruits/chillies, while control of maximum residue levels for pesticides and other toxic elements is to be undertaken once the equipment is available at the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) laboratory and the Government is considering projects to conserve rain water for use during the dry periods
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/271 |
S-R-IV§258-262 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Forestry |
Relevant information
The forestry sector, plays a key role in supporting the livelihood of all Rwandans by providing most of the energy consume, preventing soil erosion, protecting water, and supplying ecological services, and is regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA) in charge of, inter alia, encouraging private-sector investment in forestry to reduce poverty, creating employment and improve livelihoods, through sustainable use, conservation, and management of forests and trees; contributing to sustainable land use through soil, water, and biodiversity conservation, and tree planting; and promoting farm forestry to produce timber, wood fuel and other forest products
Natural resources
Government TPR; Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271; WT/TPR/S/271 |
G-R-II§28; S-R-IV§212, 266, 279-285, 293-294 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Mining |
Relevant information
The MINIRENA (Ministry of Natural Resources) Mining Policy, and the OGMR (Geology and Mining Authority) strategic plan for 2010-2013 provide a roadmap, focused on developing a sustainable mining, while Rwanda's National Energy Policy and National Energy Strategy 2008-2012 for the energy sector aims at improving the standard of living of the Rwanda people in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner, by ensuring reliable and affordable domestic energy production from several sources including hydro-electricity, methane gas, solar power, biomass and petroleum; encouraging rational and efficient use of energy; and establishing environmentally sound and sustainable systems of energy production, procurement, transportation, distribution, and end-use
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/271 |
S-R-IV§213, 300 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Manufacturing |
Relevant information
In April 2011, the Ministry of Trade and Industry issued the Industrial Policy, under which the Government proposes to improve infrastructure to facilitate the development of the manufacturing sector, through, among other things, increased government investment in energy, with a target to lower electricity tariffs, to be supplemented by the continued search for alternative sources of energy including wind, peat and solar, and possibly nuclear energy in the long run
Government TPR; Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271; WT/TPR/S/271 |
G-R-II§33; S-R-IV§363 |
East African Community (EAC): Rwanda |
2012 |
Sectors |
Services |
Relevant information
The RDB (Rwanda Development Board) is responsible for tourism development and marketing as well as wildlife preservation and management of the national parks taken into accout a number of limitations to Rwanda's existing tourist offer, identified by Rwanda's Tourism Master Plan, including an over reliance on revenues generated through gorilla tourism, and limited scope for expansion due to environmental and conservation concerns
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271 |
G-T-III§12-14 |
East African Community (EAC): Tanzania |
2012 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The Tanzania five year Development plan (2011/12- 2015/16) identifies and emphasizes on the creation of prerequisite conditions for the success of its implementation, which include, inter alia, ensuring environmental sustainability
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271 |
G-T-V§39, 45 |
East African Community (EAC): Tanzania |
2012 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
The low performance of the sector, including coffee production, has been attributed to a number of factors such as climate change
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271 |
G-T-V§55-56, 81 |
East African Community (EAC): Tanzania |
2012 |
Sectors |
Forestry |
Relevant information
The Government aims at enhancing the contribution of the forest subsector to the sustainable development of Tanzania, and the conservation of its natural resources, through for instance the restriction on the export of logs and sewn timber of more than 4 inches thickness
Natural resources
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/271 |
G-T-V§70 |
East African Community (EAC): Tanzania |
2012 |
Sectors |
Manufacturing |
Relevant information
There is still a need for articulating on adhering to cross cutting issues like environmental impact sensitivity; balancing of gender in industrialization and trade outreach; as well as balancing of coverage rural/urban-wise