Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.29 |
European Union |
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Solid waste management: US$38.9 billion of revenues (source EBI). Hazardous waste management: US$6.2 billion of revenue (source EBI). "Industrial waste management services sector": US$75 billion or €55 billion (source Frost and Sullivana). " Waste management": €75 billion over 3,000 private firms, over 320,000 employees (source European Federation of Waste Managementb). " Recycling ": €50.7 billion (2007) (EUROSTAT); 1.6 million of employees (2007) (EUROSTAT)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.29 |
European Union |
2013 |
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EU: 50% of waste treatment is operated on the basis of a concession. France: 80%-90% of contracts under way are concessions
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.30 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Noise and air pollution: the overall market of environmental noise reduction can have a turnover of some tens of billion euros per year (EU-27). Concerning the costs at source, 14 million new cars per year, and an estimated cost of insulation distributed among exhaust, engine, appropriate tyres of €800 per car means an additional €12 billion per year, approximately. For aircrafts, considering that noise is a major issue and requires investment in research and assessment, and involves extra costs in new engines and airframes, and taking this at 5% of the direct aircraft industry turnover, it can be estimated at €5 billion per year. For railways, the amount is probably similar. Overall, it can be considered that 15,000 jobs are based on noise pollution abatement services and that the turnover corresponds to €50 billion per year (EU-27).
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.30 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Noisa and air pollution: the total value estimated on the basis of air pollution abatement costs alone is in the range of 0.5% to 0.6%a of the GDP in the EU. This market value is expected to increase in future and be in the range of €80 billion per year by 2020. According to the authorities, Europe is leading the sector on technologies for noise and air pollution abatement. Figures on materials (such as exhaust systems for cars, materials for noise barriers, filters for industry, aircraft components, etc.), are not known.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.30 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Noisa and air pollution: There has been no significant change in legislation on noise pollution abatement services in the past five years. EU air quality legislation is presently under review and the Commission plans a " package " as part of the 2013 Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. That review will also include a major component on research and innovations and the green economy and socio-economic impacts of this new policy initiative. The Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49 obliges member States to prepare noise maps, inform and consult the public and adopt action plans to tackle noise. It sets no noise limits. The Industrial Emission Directive (IED) 2010/75 aims at minimizing pollution from various industrial sources throughout the EU. Operators of industrial installations operating activities covered by Annex I of the IED are required to obtain an integrated permit from the authorities in EU countries.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.30 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Remediation and nature and landscape protection (NLP) services: There has been no recent change to EU nature legislation that is relevant to remediation and nature and landscape protection services. The Habitats Directive forms the cornerstone of Europe's nature conservation policy. It is built around two pillars: the NATURA 2000 network of protected sites and the strict system of species protection. The directive protects over 1.000 animals and plant species and over 200 so-called "habitat types" (e.g. special types of forests, meadows, wetlands, etc.), which are of European importance. The Birds Directive creates a comprehensive scheme of protection for all wild bird species; naturally occurring in the Union.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-IV§118 |
European Union |
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The trade regimes of EU environmental services appear very open. Under GATS, all environmental services are covered by commitments save some minor intra-sectoral exceptions mostly concerning new member States. Mode 3, which is the essential mode of provision of these services, is entirely committed for all services except noise abatement and for all members, except Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, and Romania for all sectors, and Finland and Sweden for some.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-IV§120 |
European Union |
2013 |
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For all other environmental services, the regime granted by the FTAs regarding the key mode 3 is more favourable than the GATS one, several member States having lifted their mode 3 restrictions. There is no other preferential treatment granted by sectoral agreements. The applied regime for sewage services is similar to that to water distribution and is subject to the same ongoing regulatory reforms. For all other services the applied regime at EU level adheres to the standards rules of the EU Treaty regarding establishment and freedom to provide services.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.31 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Air transport: an active EU impetus in the ICAO negotiations on the liberalization of ownership and on a global market-based approach to regulating green house gas emissions from aviation (on the latter point see also below);
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/284/REV.2 |
S-Table-IV.31 |
European Union |
2013 |
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Relevant information
Emission trading scheme (ETS) for aviation: since the start of 2012, emissions from international aviation are included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The system applies to EU and non-EU airlines alike. Emissions from flights to and from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are also covered.