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S-II§2.23 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
2.23. The Investment Charter (of the Congo) applies to all enterprises seeking to develop an economic activity in the Congo, with the exception of activities such as brokering, dealing, arms importing and manufacturing, and the importing or processing of toxic waste and the like; moreover, there are specific regulatory frameworks for mining, logging and oil companies (section 4).
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S-Table-II.2 |
2013 |
Measures |
Relevant information
Table 2.2 Investment Code – benefits under preferential regimes
Common provisions - During the start up period and the first three years of operation, the approved enterprise benefits from:
- relief from customs duties in the form of temporary admission or duty free entry for natural resource research activities;
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WT/TPR/S/285 |
S-III§3.41 |
2013 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences |
Relevant information
3.41. The Congo has not notified the WTO of its prohibition, authorization or import licensing regimes. The prohibition regime concerns, in particular, food waste, and dangerous and war related toys. Controls are imposed through import declarations in order to protect consumers, live animals, plants and the environment, in particular within the framework of the international conventions to which Congo is a signatory.
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S-III§3.42 |
2013 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences |
Relevant information
3.42. According to the authorities, there are a number of products subject to a prohibition on import and export; they include drugs, psychotropic substances, arms and munitions, plastic sacks and bags, children's toys with a military theme, protected animal species, elephant tusks, counterfeit goods, industrial waste and scrap. Breaches of this prohibition are punishable as laid down in the texts in force.
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S-Table-III.5 |
2013 |
Measures |
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences |
Relevant information
Table 3.5 Import controls, 2012
Responsible body / Document Required / Product
Ministry of Agriculture (live animals) and Forestry Economics (protected species) / Health certificate and CITES certificate / Live animals and protected species
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S-III§3.66 |
2013 |
Measures |
Other support measures |
Relevant information
3.66. Law No. 22 2005 of 28 December 2005 established the Agriculture Support Fund as a public administrative body with the task of providing finance for agricultural, pastoral and fisheries production, marketing, conservation and institutional support.
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S-IV§4.1 |
2013 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
4.1. The Congo covers an area of 342,000 km2, of which 60% is forest and 40% savannah (section 1.1). The soil is hydromorphic in the Congolese Basin and ferralitic in the rest of the country. In general, the soil is highly fragile, acid and sensitive to wind and/or water erosion
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WT/TPR/S/285 |
S-IV§4.4 |
2013 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
4.4. The Ministry responsible for agriculture is responsible for the formulation and implementation of agricultural policy. However, in line with the composition of the Government of 15 September 2009, as reshuffled on 25 September 2012, a number of other departments also have a role in agriculture, namely the Ministry of Forestry Economics and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and certain services attached to the Office of the President are responsible for steering the agricultural sector (General Major Public Works Delegation), each in its own specific area.
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S-IV§4.27 |
2013 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.27. The Government also has to improve aquaculture, in particular fish farming. Aquaculture production will have to support coastal and marine fishing production. The Government is relying on aquaculture development to encourage the perpetuation of the country's fishery resources.
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WT/TPR/S/285 |
S-IV§4.28 |
2013 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
4.28. The legal and regulatory framework for fisheries in the Congo comprises laws, ordinances, decrees and orders. An analysis of the texts governing the Congolese maritime sector shows that much remains to be done to improve, streamline and optimize regulation so that it dovetails more neatly with the Government's objectives for the sector. Fishing at sea requires an annual fishing licence granted by the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The licences are subject to payment of fees depending on the vessel's autonomy. Information on catches is collected with the aim of managing fisheries resources. The Congo has not signed any fishing agreement with any country. Nevertheless, foreign vessels may be authorized to fish in the Congo's territorial waters; because of lack of resources, they are not closely monitored.