Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§17 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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This will lead to the creation of a million jobs by 2025 in the green economy subsectors as a whole. Many jobs will come from the generalization of wood processing, with the development of veneer exports and expansion of the production of timber for the BPW industry and furniture-making, thanks to a parallel effort to provide training, integration and support for equipment.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§46 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The second strategic objective is to protect the CEMAC environment and to manage and make efficient use of the forest; and agricultural areas, on the basis of four programmes
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§47 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The CEMAC geospatial information system programme (programme 19) is intended to equip CEMAC with modern tools for land-use and environmental management. It provides for the establishment of a supranational cartographic system, based on georeferencing standards common to all the players (member States and CEMAC). Thus, it will be possible, using the same sets of digital maps, to perform cross-analyses in order better to preserve the environment , increase surveillance of the strategic areas and optimize physical planning. A regional unit of three or four experts will be set up within the CEMAC Commission to design and implement this project.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§3 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Finally, CEMAC will draw upon the extensive resources of its forests, a major carbon sink preserved thanks to the maintenance of its biodiversity , the generalization of sustainable logging and a comprehensive campaign against the phenomena of degradation, with the participation of the people who live along the fringes of the forest;.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§16 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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At forest; economy level, sustainable management will be based on:
-Generalization of the practice of sustainable development of forestry operations, in particular small-scale logging permits managed by indigenous people. To optimize this process and share costs, modern management, monitoring and land use tools will be deployed at regional level: geomatic plan, area mapping, surveying.
-Development of reserves and biodiversity parks and marine protected areas, particularly in lagoon and maritime areas.
-Development of non-ligneous forest; product (NLFP) value-enhancing activities for the benefit of the local population.
-Establishment of technology centres, true centres of innovation and knowhow (dissemination of research results, technological innovation, partnership management, etc.). Four such centres are envisaged: the forestry Technology Centre; the Agropastoral Technology Centre of the Savannahs; the Technology Centre for Tropical Plantation Agriculture; and the Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology Centre (Box 1)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-IV§48 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The forest; and agricultural land management programme (programme 20) is intended to give the Congo Basin the means of playing a sustainable leading role in the absorption of green house gases. It provides for capacity building in relation to the management of projects to be submitted to the Carbon Fund and the REDD mechanism, the generalization of forest; management ( biodiversity reserves, sustainablelogging, including for small-scale permits), capacity building for people living on the fringes of the forest; , the development of non-ligneous forest; product value-adding projects, the 100% valorization of CEMAC tropical timber, and the reafforest; ation and regeneration of the degraded agricultural lands of the savannah areas.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/285 |
G-Box-IV.1 |
2013 |
Sectors |
Forestry |
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The “forestry Technology Centre” will be responsible for: (i) assembling and producing the expertise necessary to develop the Congo Basin forest (ii) managing a system for providing information on the state of the forest and improving the effectiveness of the means of control; (iii) supporting with expertise and guidance the sustainable development of the forestry industry and assisting with the certification process (FSC type); (iv) and establishing a training and apprenticeship system to speed up the development of the tropical timber sector.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/285/REV.1 |
S-II§53 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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CEN-SAD is at the origin of the African Great Green Wall Initiative (AGGWI), a project to build a green barrier to protect against the effects of climate change and desertification . More than 7,000 km long and 15 km wide, by 2020 the green wall should have linked the west coast of Africa (Dakar) with the east coast (Djibouti), passing through the following 11 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. The implementation of the wall at the level of each individual country is entrusted to national entities. The Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall, based in N'Djamena (Chad), was set up in 2010 to coordinate actions, monitor and assess activities, and mobilizeresources .
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/285/REV.1 |
S-II§5 |
2013 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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UEAC, CEMAC's economic integration pillar, has the following objectives: To establish the coordination of national sectoral policies, implement common actions and adopt common policies, particularly in the following areas: agriculture, livestock, fishing, industry, trade, tourism, transport, Community land use and large-scale infrastructure projects, telecommunications, information and communication technologies, social dialogue, gender issues, good governance and human rights, energy, environment and natural resources, research, education and vocational training.
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/285/REV.1 |
S-Box-IV.1 |
2013 |
Measures |
Technical regulation or specifications |
Relevant information
The CEMAC countries have harmonized their pesticide registration procedures. Common regulations were adopted by the Council of Ministers in March 2006. They are aimed at "pooling the experience and expertise of the member States in assessing and approving pesticides to ensure that they are used rationally and judiciously and to protect human health and the environment " .