Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/291/REV.1 |
S-II§40 |
Tonga |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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The Minister of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources represents the Crown in all matters concerning the land of the Kingdom. He may grant leases or sub-leases and permits with the consent of the Cabinet. (…)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/291/REV.1 |
S-IV§23 |
Tonga |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The Ministry of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources is responsible for managing mineral resources and energy. Three companies currently hold exploration licences under the Minerals Act, valid for five years (Blue Water Metal, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd., Korean Oceanographic Research Development Institute). In 2012, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd. (a subsidiary of Nautilus Minerals of Canada) announced the discovery of precious metal deposits on its Tongan tenements. Moreover, under the sponsorship of the Government of Tonga, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd. was awarded an exploration licence in 2011 by the International Seabed Authority, to explore in a marine area that lies in international waters.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-I§6 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
(…) The United States remains committed to working with its trading partners to create a global trading system in which intellectual property is protected, innovation is promoted, agricultural and industrial regulations are based on science, transparent rules and regulations are applied without discrimination, and high environmental and labor standards are respected.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-I§7 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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Trade is a key component in efforts to achieve the broad-based economic growth necessary to drive development, economic growth, and recovery in countries transitioning away from conflict and natural disasters. (…) Looking at the historical record, it is clear that while trade alone cannot solve every development challenge, open markets are a necessary part of any successful and sustainable development strategy. (…)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/307 |
S-IV§35 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Sectors |
Agriculture |
Relevant information
Four disaster programmes under the 2008 Farm Bill have been reauthorized retroactively to cover losses that have occurred since 1 October 2011. These programmes are now permanent and are funded by the CCC (Commodity Credit Corporation). The Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) provides payments to eligible producers at a rate of 75% market value (unchanged) due to weather-related livestock losses and attacks by animals. The Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) provides payments to eligible producers of covered livestock for grazing losses due to drought or fire on public managed land. The Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Catfish (ELAP) provides emergency relief due to disease, adverse weather, wildfires, or other conditions not covered by LIP and LFP. The Tree Assistance Program (TAP) provides assistance to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers to cover 65% of the cost of replanting or 50% for rehabilitating eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters. Expenditures under the four disaster programmes were notified in terms of non-exempt direct payments (product-specific AMS) for livestock, and orchards/vineyards/nurseries.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-III§1 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
Support for the United States' active trade agenda – including for bilateral and regional trade agreements as well as U.S. participation in the WTO – has been built through extensive outreach to U.S. industry leaders, entrepreneurs, farmers, ranchers, small business owners, workers, state and local government officials, and advocates for labor rights, environmental protection, and public health, among other issues. (…)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-I§3 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
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In addition to supporting the expansion of WTO Membership and playing a proactive role in market-opening negotiations, including in the recently launched plurilateral Environmental Goods Agreement, the United States will continue to promote and strengthen the WTO's existing core functions. (…)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-III§4 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
(…) The TPSC regularly seeks advice from the public on its policy decisions and negotiations through Federal Register Notices and public hearings. In 2013 and 2014, the TPSC (Trade Policy Staff Committee) held public hearings on (…) negotiating objectives for the Environmental Goods Agreement (June 2014).
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/307 |
G-III§8 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
Throughout 2013 and 2014, USTR has issued Federal Register Notices to solicit public comment and has held public hearings at USTR regarding a wide array of trade policy initiatives. Public comments received in response to Federal Register Notices are available for inspection online at Some examples of trade policy initiatives for which USTR has sought public comment include those related to the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), the Environmental Goods Agreement, in addition to those related to the ongoing negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (T-TIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/307 |
S-II§15 |
United States of America |
2014 |
Trade Policy Framework |
Relevant information
The United States takes an active leadership role in the WTO and, according to its trade policy agenda, plans to continue to play a major role in strengthening the multilateral trading system. It has identified a number of priority areas with respect to WTO work or initiatives, including (…) launching negotiations on an environmental goods agreement (EGA) (…)