Table 4.13 Electricity generation, 2002, 2008, 2010 and 2012 2014
2002 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014
Total electricity generation, of which: 15,340 24,003 26,531 28,572 31,056 32,026
ONEE 4,537 6,689 10,315 12,940 13,282 9,863
Hydraulic 842 1,360 3,631 1,816 2,990 2,033
Thermal 3,681 5,758 6,410 10,791 9,905 7,755
Wind power 14 146 493 582 660 594
Concessions 9,566 13,042 12,166 13,168 12,739 16,809
JLEC (coal) 9,387 10,022 9,847 10,191 9,915 13,729
Compagnie Éolienne du Détroit (CED) (wind) 180 153 166 146 161 141
EET (natural gas) .. 2,867 2,153 2,831 2,663 2,504
Wind power Tarfaya .. .. .. .. .. 453
Net imports 1,392 4,261 3,940 4,841 5,400 6,010
Self generators 84 40 152 139 111 137
Projects developed under Law No. 13 09 .. .. .. .. 394 598