Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§37 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Since the last TPR, the fisheries sector in Morocco has been the focus of a new development strategy for the period up to 2020, known as Halieutis and aimed at modernizing the sector and improving its competitiveness, as well as ensuring the sustainability of the resource. Foreign vessels are authorized to fish in Moroccan territorial waters only within the framework of international fisheries or charter agreements, insofar as the authorities consider that the state of the resource allows. Moreover, the Moroccan authorities consider that fisheries agreements are not trade agreements.
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§43 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
The new Halieutis development strategy for the period up to 2020 has five fixed objectives: improvement of the fisheries on the basis of catch quotas; growth of aquaculture; development of the landing infrastructure; better fishing port management; and improvements in the competitiveness of seafood products. Halieutis aims to triple fisheries GDP by 2020, to increase fish consumption in Morocco to 16 kg/per capita/year as compared with 10 kg in 2015, and to achieve a production level of 1.66 million tonnes and exports with a value of US$3.1 billion.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-Summary§4 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
(...) Within the WTO, Morocco has submitted a proposal in the framework of the rules negotiations on fisheries subsidies in which it argues that special and differential treatment should permit developing country Members to be exempt from any ban on subsidies.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§53 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
(...) Within the WTO, Morocco has submitted a proposal in the context of the rules negotiations on fisheries subsidies. According to this communication, the Government considers that special and differential treatment should permit developing country Members to be exempt from any ban on subsidies.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§38 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Morocco has a 3,500 km long coastline and an exclusive economic zone (ZEE) of 1.1 million km2, with an annual exploitable fishing potential estimated by the authorities at 1.5 million tonnes renewable. Fishery production has increased strongly, from its level of around 1.1 million tonnes in 2010 (Chart 4.2) to 1.4 million tonnes in 2014. Fishing in the Moroccan ZEE is intensive, raising questions about the sustainability of the resource. Morocco is one of Africa's largest fishery producers and 18th globally. On the other hand, with an output amounting to 468 tonnes (441 tonnes in 2007), aquaculture production remains at a low level.
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§42 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
The Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries, through its Marine Fisheries Department, is responsible for the formulation and implementation of government marine fisheries and marine aquaculture policy. Its subordinate agencies are: the National Fisheries Board (ONP) and the National Fisheries Research Institute (INRH) and, since 2011, the National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture (ANDA, see below). The task of the ONP is to develop small scale and inshore fishing and to organize the first sale marketing of sea fishery products. That of the INRH is to carry out research, studies, experiments and investigations at sea and on shore with the aim of assessing and monitoring stocks, improving them, rationalizing the management of fish and aquaculture resources, and upgrading the industry.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-Table-II.1 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Table 2.1 Texts of trade related laws and regulations published since 2008
Area (section of the report): Fisheries (4.2.2)
Instrument/text: Law No. 15 12 of June 2014 on action to prevent and combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) (OJ No. 6262 of 5 June 2014)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§44 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Since the last TPR in 2009, additions have been made to the sector's regulatory framework to take account of strategic priorities such as the preservation of resources, the strengthening of the surveillance system for effectively combating IUU fishing [18] , in particular by means of a satellite system, and the development of aquaculture.
[18] Law No. 15 12 on the prevention and repression of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing (OJ No. 6262 of 5 June 2014).
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§46 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Measures |
Tax concessions |
Relevant information
The following tax incentives are reserved for domestic sea-fishing; foreign vessels that land their catches are not eligible:
• hydrocarbons for fuelling sea-going vessels are exempt from VAT at importation, as are vessels used for sea-fishing; fishing gear and nets; salted cod's roe and bait intended for use by fishing boats; and aircraft for locating shoals of fish;
• Moroccan fishery products, fresh, frozen, whole or in pieces, are exempt from VAT (without right of deduction);
• fishing gear and nets for sea fishing professionals are subject to the reduced 10% rate of internal VAT, with right of deduction;
• the sale, repair and conversion of seagoing vessels are exempt from internal VAT, as are sales of products intended for incorporation in the vessels.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/329 |
S-IV§48 |
Morocco |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
(…) Fishing by foreign fishing enterprises is possible only within the framework of a fisheries agreement resulting from negotiations concerning the state of the resources, the nature of the fishing gear, the fishing zones, the species targeted, and the country's economic and social development strategy. (...)