Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/325 |
G-III§6 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
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Recognizing the far reaching needs of energy for carrying out an ambitious economic growth and sustainable development and to ensure energy security, Jordan successfully launched liquefied natural gas terminal in Aqaba Port in line with international standards.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§33 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
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Additionally, the Jordan Bio-Gas Company Ltd also generates electricity by converting organic waste into methane gas. The entity is a joint-stock company owned by the Central Electricity Generation Company (CEGCO) and Greater Amman Municipality.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§36 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
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Under the Strategy, the Government aims to access cheaper sources of energy including renewables and shale gas. Furthermore, the Strategy also seeks to reduce line losses and limit demand through increasing electricity tariffs and eliminating preferential rates offered to security agencies, charitable organizations, employees of the electricity company, and free electricity for street lighting. Additionally, the Government has also started to adjust electricity tariffs (Table 4.7). The adjustment process started in 2013 and is expected to be finalised in 2017.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§41 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
The principal legislation on the electricity sector is the General Electricity Law of 2002. The Law aims to develop the sector in accordance with public interest; encourage local and foreign investment; and strengthen the development of the Energy and Mineral Regulatory Commission. The Law is administered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), which is the body responsible for the energy sector including: (...) promoting the use of renewable energy (...) Additionally the Law allows private sector independent power producers (IPPs) to obtain a licence to generate electricity based on thermal power stations and on renewable energy. (...)
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/325 |
G-III§5 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
(...) In the same context, the government issued the "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Law" in 2010, which aims at laying the foundation and fostering investments in this vital sector.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§50 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
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The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Law of 2012 followed by a set of by-laws, which were modified in 2014, established the renewable energy strategy for Jordan. Feed-in tariffs were also announced in 2012, setting a buy-back rate of 135 fils per KWh from solar power and 80 KWh from wind energy. In 2014 an additional by-law exempted renewable energy and energy efficient systems from sales tax and customs duties.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§51 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
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The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Law allowed companies to submit proposals for projects within this area. Of over 60 proposals submitted, 12 Power Purchase Agreements were signed by March 2014 of which seven projects are underway. One of these was the 117 MW capacity wind project planned to be built in 2015. In addition, 12 Solar Investment agreements were signed in 2013, aiming to generate electricity exceeding 200 MW in 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§113 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Services |
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In 2012, the Ministry of Transport launched a medium-term national strategy, which seeks to modernize and upgrade the sector. In tandem, the Ministry initiated the Long-Term National Transport Strategy Project, which aims to integrate all transport subsectors, i.e. land, maritime, air, and rail through a long term transport strategy running until 2030. A long-term strategy was drafted in 2014 and focuses on five policy pillars: completing the existing networks and optimising the usage of these transport facilities; promoting private participation; heightening environmental protection; focussing on the regional transport dimension; and focussing on the participation of citizens. The second phase, which is expected to be completed in 2016, will provide a new model for the passenger and goods transportation sector.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§125 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Services |
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A draft transport law is currently before Parliament. As at July 2015, the Transport Law No. 89 of 2003 and the Land Transport Regulatory Commission Law of 2011 are the main laws governing the sector. Under the provisions of these laws, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) is responsible for establishing the general land transport policy as well as proposing draft laws and regulations in coordination with Land Transport Regulatory Commission (LTRC). (...) 1.1. Under the provisions of the new regulatory framework:
• The MOT is responsible for:
o Developing and implementing policies that develop and sustain the transport sector;
o Enhancing the role of the private sector, attracting investment, and increasing the productivity of the transport sector; and
o Setting standards for safety, security and environmental conservation; and
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/325 |
S-IV§144 |
Jordan |
2015 |
Sectors |
Services |
Relevant information
The Aqaba Port Corporation (APC) is a government body in charge of the maintenance, development and operation of the port as well as cargo handling. The APC is responsible for providing the following services:
• vessels alignment;
• water supply and waste disposal for vessels;
• goods stevedoring and storing of goods;
• handling of goods including counting, stocking, inspecting and weighing;
• the weighing and covering of trucks;
• leasing machinery, equipment, vehicles, providing workers and terminal facilities; and
• various safety measures including firefighting, oil pollution monitoring etc. and other services related to vessels, goods, passengers and vehicles in the port.