Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§54 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
According to the authorities, the fishing sector is not subsidized by the Government.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§57 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
Sustainable use of fishing resources is the main policy objective of the fishing sector. To reach this objective, proper policy tools including stock assessment, establishing quotas, seasonal bans, fishing gear and area restrictions were applied. The authorities stated that, in accordance with the 2014-2020 National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, the Government is to implement the following activities in the next five years: assessing the ecological consequences of commercial fisheries, monitoring of catches; and further refining of fishing methods.
Natural resources
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§58 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Fisheries |
Relevant information
The authorities stated that overfishing has not been detected in Georgian waters. Regarding illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing, the DCFTA refers to Georgia's responsibility to address IUU fishing-related problems. Relevant measures are being developed.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§73 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
The Ministry of Energy carries out state policy in the energy sector and is in charge of national energy policy development and implementation. (...) Other responsibilities include energy efficiency policy developments and energy research, development and deployment policies. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-I§25 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
Improving private sector competitiveness and further enhancing the investment climate, especially for SMEs, entail, inter alia: (...) (iv) Leveraging Georgia’s locational advantage and renewable resource potential to meet its growing energy needs and develop electricity exports. In this regard, significant reform is under way (Box 1.1).
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-Box-I.1 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
Box 1.1 Major structural reform developments
The electricity regulatory authority approved the new Transmission Grid Code in April 2014. The document detailing the grid code fully meets EU requirements. The development of these codes is part of the Government’s commitment to a broader set of sector reforms within the Georgian Electricity Market Model 2015. In addition, the Ministry of Energy amended the Electricity Market Rules in January 2014 to enable the adoption of the grid code by the electricity regulatory authority, and to give new hydropower and renewable energy projects priority access to the transmission grid.
Government TPR |
WT/TPR/G/328 |
G-II§18 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
The energy sector remains one of the leading sectors in the economy of Georgia. Affordable and reliable energy supply stays a key goal of the country. Reforms carried out in the sector were directed towards the main goals of: increasing efficiency of the existing and development of new capacities, and diversification of export and import sources. For this purpose, significant changes were made to the legal basis during the last years. The new Energy Policy of Georgia, which defines the main strategic directions of development of the energy sector of the country, was approved in June 2015.
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§61 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
Over the last decade, the Government has transformed the energy sector, ensuring fast growth with improved efficiency. The Government is pursuing two strategic objectives: to ensure continued reliable domestic energy supply for firms and homes; and to facilitate and bolster electricity production from hydropower plants (HPPs) to expand regional electricity trade. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§65 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
(...) The Georgian Government continues to attribute strategic importance to improving self-sufficiency, reducing import dependency, expanding its electricity export capacity and utilizing its energy transit potential. As such, construction of new large hydropower plants and new transmission lines remain its top priority. (...)
Secretariat TPR |
WT/TPR/S/328 |
S-IV§59 |
Georgia |
2015 |
Sectors |
Energy |
Relevant information
(...) Georgia is seeking to develop its energy generation and transmission system to increase electricity trade with neighbouring countries by taking advantage of its abundant and low-cost hydropower resources, of which only an estimated 20% is utilised at present. The Government is focused on securing private investments for the construction of new hydropower stations and diversifying fossil fuel supply sources and routes.