Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/183 | El Salvador | 2016 | Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable…
Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable and environmentally friendly production
Technical regulation or specifications | Agriculture | The notified Regulation establishes the…
The notified Regulation establishes the provisions and procedures governing the production, registration, certification, processing, labelling, storage, transport and marketing of organic agricultural products. It applies to the following products that carry or should carry a descriptive label relating to organic production methods.
A product is considered to carry information concerning organic production methods when the label or property claims, including advertising material and commercial documents, describe the product or its ingredients using the terms " organic ", " biological " or " ecological " or other similar internationally recognised vocabulary, including abbreviated forms, which suggest to the buyer that the product or its ingredients have been obtained via organic production methods in the country in which they have been put on the market. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/185 | El Salvador | 2016 | General environmental protection, Other…
General environmental protection, Other environmental risks mitigation
Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Salvadorian Technical Regulation RTS 75.01.01:16:…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation RTS 75.01.01:16: Hydrocarbons. Natural gas. Quality specifications
The notified Technical Regulation establishes the physical and chemical specifications for natural gas passing through storage, pipeline transport, and distribution network systems in El Salvador, with a view to ensuring the safety of human beings, the environment , and the installations used. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/187 | El Salvador | 2016 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 97.02…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 97.02.01:15: Energy efficiency. Self-contained commercial refrigeration appliances. Maximum energy consumption limits, test methods and labelling
The notified Salvadorian Technical Regulation establishes the maximum electricity consumption levels per litre of usable refrigerated volume, the test methods for determining compliance therewith, and the labelling and marking requirements for all self-contained commercial refrigeration appliances. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/188 | El Salvador | 2016 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 97.01…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 97.01.01:15: Energy efficiency. Household refrigerators and freezers. Limits, test methods and labelling
The notified Technical Regulation establishes the maximum energy consumption levels for household refrigerators and freezers using hermetic motor-driven compressors, the test methods for determining such energy consumption, and the particulars to be included on the energy consumption label. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/189 | El Salvador | 2016 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01.01:15: Energy efficiency. Central, packaged or split air conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling
The notified Salvadorian Technical Regulation establishes the minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for central, packaged or split air conditioners, the test methods for verifying compliance with this ratio, and the information to be included on the label. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/190 | El Salvador | 2016 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01.02:15: Energy efficiency. Room air-conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SLV/191 | El Salvador | 2016 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy…
Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01…
Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01.03:15: Energy efficiency. Split-type, free-flow, ductless air-conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling
The notified Salvadorian Technical Regulation establishes the minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for split-type, free-flow, ductless air-conditioners (known as mini-split and multi-split air-conditioners), whether single-cycle (cooling only) or reverse-cycle (heat pump), with air-cooled condensers. It also specifies the test methods for verifying compliance with this ratio and the information to be included on the label. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SWE/131 | Sweden | 2016 | Other environmental risks mitigation | Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Amendment of the law (2011:319) on fuels
Amendment of the law (2011:319) on fuels
The specification for alkylate-based petrol is changed so that it will be possible for the fuel suppliers to market an alkylate-based petrol with a maximum vapour pressure of 95 kilopascals during the part of the year that is not specified as "summer" in section 2 in the law on fuels (2011:319). [...] Alkylate-based petrol with a maximum vapour pressure of 95 kilopascals can reduce the risk on human health and the environment. Alkylate-based petrol with a maximum vapour pressure of 95 kilopascals shall be classified as alkylate-based petrol in environmental class 1 and thereby taxed as such. The environmental classification has a bearing on the taxation of the fuel. |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/SYC/1 | Seychelles | 2016 | Environmentally friendly consumption, Waste…
Environmentally friendly consumption, Waste management and recycling
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Environment Protection Act. (Act 9 of 1994)…
Environment Protection Act. (Act 9 of 1994) Environment Protection (Restriction on Plastic Bags) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015.
The regulation is an amendment of the Statutory Instrument (S.I) 39 of 2008. The Environment Protection (Restrictions on Plastic Bags) Regulations 2008, is hereby amended by repealing in regulation 3(1), the figure "30" and substituting therefore the figure "50". |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/THA/478 | Thailand | 2016 | Other environmental risks mitigation | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Draft Thai Industrial Standard for Two-Stroke…
Draft Thai Industrial Standard for Two-Stroke Gasoline Engine Lubricating Oil (TIS 1040-25xx)
The Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) has proposed to withdraw TIS 1040-2541(1998) Two-stroke gasoline engine lubricating oil, and replace it with TIS 1040-25xx as a mandatory. This draft standard covers only lubricating oil for two-stroke gasoline engine intended for use in road vehicle. It specifies quality grades, requirements, packaging, marking and labelling, sampling and criteria for conformity, and testing. |