Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CAN/1103 | Canada | 2017 | Environmental protection from pests and diseases | Technical regulation or specifications | Forestry | Phytosanitary import requirements for non…
Phytosanitary import requirements for non-processed wood and other wooden products, bamboo and bamboo products, originating from all areas other than the continental United States
Based on previously established harmonized regulations of certain forestry pests and applicable specific pest directives, the continental United States is exempt from this revised directive. |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CAN/1120 | Canada | 2017 | Environmental protection from pests and diseases,…
Environmental protection from pests and diseases, Plant protection
Ban/Prohibition | Agriculture | Directive D-12-01 Phytosanitary requirements to…
Directive D-12-01 Phytosanitary requirements to prevent the introduction of plants regulated as pests in Canada
A pest risk analysis was conducted for Arundo donax. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) determined that it poses a significant risk to Canada's plant resource base. Based on this analysis and on feedback received from Canadian stakeholders, the CFIA is planning to regulate Arundo donax as a quarantine pest under the Plant Protection Act. Intentional importation of this species is prohibited. To prevent non-intentional (contaminants) imports, all commodities to be imported into Canada are required to be free from propagative parts of Arundo donax |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CAN/1133 | Canada | 2017 | Environmental protection from pests and diseases,…
Environmental protection from pests and diseases, Plant protection
Quarantine requirements | Agriculture | List of pests regulated by Canada - Amendment of…
List of pests regulated by Canada - Amendment of quarantine pest list:
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will amend the quarantine pest list which is based on the result of several pest risk analyses (PRA) and under the authority of the Plant Protection Act. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency notifies to add 27 quarantine pest species as follows: 1 Anthonomus bisignifer (Schenkling) Coleoptera 2 Aphanostigma iaksuiense (Kishida) Hemiptera 3 Aphanostigma piri (Cholodkovsky) Hemiptera 4 Archips breviplicanus (Walsingham) Lepidoptera 5 Archips semistructa (Meyrick) Lepidoptera 6 Arge berberidis Schrank Hymenoptera 7 Aromia bungii (Faldermann) Coleoptera 8 Cacopsylla chinensis (Yang & Li) Hemiptera 9 Cacopsylla liaoli (Yang & Li) Hemiptera 10 Candidatus Phytoplasma rubi Phytoplasma 11 Chrysanthemum stem necrosis tospovirus RNA viruses 12 Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) Coleoptera 13 Euzophera bigella (Zeller) Lepidoptera 14 Euzophera pyriella (Yang) Lepidoptera 15 Grapholita dimorpha Komai Lepidoptera 16 Grapholita lobarzewskii (Nowicki) Lepidoptera 17 Hylesinus oleiperda (F.) Coleoptera 18 Lycorma delicatula (White) Hemiptera 19 Mamestra brassicae (Linnaeus) Lepidoptera 20 Monilia yunnanensis (M.J. Hu & C.X. Luo) Fungi 21 Nippoptilia vitis (Sasaki) Lepidoptera 22 Nysius ericae (Schilling) Hemiptera 23 Oemona hirta (Fabricius) Coleoptera 24 Phloeotribus scarabaeoides Bern. Coleoptera 25 Phytomyza gymnostoma Loew Diptera 26 Polygraphus proximus Blandford Coleoptera 27 Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky) Lepidoptera |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CHL/538 | Chile | 2017 | Environmental protection from pests and diseases,…
Environmental protection from pests and diseases, Plant protection
Quarantine requirements, Technical regulation or…
Quarantine requirements, Technical regulation or specifications
Agriculture | Phytosanitary requirements governing the…
Phytosanitary requirements governing the importation of seeds, of any origin, of certain fruit and vegetable crops and aromatic and medicinal plant species, and repeal of previous resolution
The notified Resolution establishes requirements for the importation of seeds of certain fruit and vegetable crops and aromatic and medicinal plant species. Imports of the seeds concerned must be covered by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the National Plant Protection Organization of the country of origin, which must contain the additional declarations required, if any, for each species |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CHL/544 | Chile | 2017 | Animal protection, Environmental protection from…
Animal protection, Environmental protection from pests and diseases, MEAs implementation and compliance, Other environmental risks mitigation
Technical regulation or specifications | Other | Health requirements for the entry into Chile of…
Health requirements for the entry into Chile of pet rabbits and hares
The notified measure reads as follows: 1. This text establishes specific health requirements for the entry into Chile of pet rabbits and hares; 2. For the purposes of entering Chile, animals are considered to be pets in the following circumstances: a. They travel in a group of no more than five animals; b. They are accompanied by, and travel in the same means of transport as, their owner or the person responsible for them during their journey; c. They are sent by their owners with a pet transport service; d. They are acquired abroad with a view to being made pets; e. They are not to be used for reproduction purposes and/or in commercial transactions, i.e.: sales, transfers of ownership, exhibitions or other lucrative activities; f. They have been neutered, whether male or female, and have certification to prove this; 3. Health certification: 4. Animal origin: 4.1. Rabbits and hares entering Chile must have been born and raised in the country or area of origin, or have remained in captivity for at least 60 days prior to export; 4.2. No clinical cases of tularemia, myxomatosis or rabbit haemorrhagic disease must have occurred in the area of origin in the 90 days prior to shipment; 4.3. Rabbits destined for laboratories must have been raised in barrier colonies; importers must demonstrate their status as research or diagnostic laboratories and meet the requirements that ensure the animals are properly looked after; 5. Pre-shipment isolation: 5.1. Animals must have been kept in isolation for 21 days under veterinary surveillance; during this time, there must not have been any reports of clinical signs consistent with Tularemia or other communicable infectious or contagious diseases that affect the species; 5.2. During the isolation period, animals must have been treated for internal and external parasites with products of proven efficacy authorized by the competent health authority; 5.3. During the isolation period, animals must not have come into direct contact with other animals of the same species, and must have been tested, with negative results, and/or vaccinated or treated, where appropriate 5.3.3. Internal and external parasites: Treatment with broad-spectrum antiparasitics authorized by the competent health authority. The date of treatment must be indicated; 5.4. Diagnostic tests must have been conducted in an official laboratory or one recognized by the health authority of the place of origin; 5.5. Where the country is free from the certain diseases (mentioned in the notification), no diagnostic tests will be necessary. 6. Shipment requirements: 6.1. Pet animals must be covered by an official health certificate in Spanish, issued at the time of shipment by the competent health authority of the country of origin, attesting that the shipment meets health requirements and that the animals have been neutered, and indicating the country and address of origin, the name of the owner, pet identification details, the number of animals travelling, the address of their destination, their mode of transportation, and their point of entry into Chile; 6.2. On the day they embarked for their journey to Chile, the animals must not have shown any clinical signs of the infectious or contagious diseases that can affect their species, or any signs of the presence of external parasites, and must be in a good condition for exportation; 6.3. During transportation, all relevant steps must have been taken to ensure the sanitary conditions required by Chile and the well-being of the animals; 7. Conditions for entry into Chile: 7.1. Upon their arrival in the country, animals must undergo post-entry quarantine at the Lo Aguirre quarantine station run by the Agriculture and Livestock Service, or at another establishment approved by the Service, for a minimum period of ten days, which may be extended, if deemed necessary by the Service; 7.2. During the post-entry quarantine period, animals may undergo any diagnostic tests or treatment that the Service deems necessary, at the cost of the interested party; 7.3. The exotic wildlife authorization resolution issued by the Renewable Natural Resources Division of the SAG must be submitted for all types of animals; 7.4. Where the species to be imported is included in the appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the requirements of this Convention and existing regulations must be met; 7.- Resolution No. 6.851/2012, which amends Resolution No. 396 of 1993 laying down health requirements for the entry into Chile of rabbits and hares, is hereby repealed. |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CHL/550 | Chile | 2017 | Animal protection, General environmental…
Animal protection, General environmental protection
Technical regulation or specifications | Agriculture, Manufacturing | List of ingredients authorized for use in the…
List of ingredients authorized for use in the production of foodstuffs and supplements for animals
The draft measure establishes the following key provisions: Point 3. The production, importation, exportation, storage, distribution, sale and transportation of foodstuffs for animals will only be permitted where such foodstuffs contain ingredients belonging to the groups listed in point 5 of this Resolution. The use of ingredients not listed in point 6 will be permitted where it has been demonstrated that they do not affect animal health, the safety of products obtained from animals, or the environment, and that they comply with the guarantees established therefor; such ingredients will be authorized by resolution. |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CHL/551 | Chile | 2017 | Animal protection, General environmental…
Animal protection, General environmental protection
Regulation affecting movement or transit,…
Regulation affecting movement or transit, Technical regulation or specifications
Agriculture, Manufacturing | Animal foodstuff regulations and repeal of…
Animal foodstuff regulations and repeal of certain decrees
The regulations cover the production, storage, importation, exportation, distribution, possession, use, transportation, sale, and disposal for any reason, of complete feed, supplements, and ingredients and additives used in these products, with a view to ensuring health and safety. |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CHL/555 | Chile | 2017 | Animal protection, Environmental protection from…
Animal protection, Environmental protection from pests and diseases
Regulation affecting movement or transit,…
Regulation affecting movement or transit, Technical regulation or specifications
Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services | Health requirements for the entry and transit of…
Health requirements for the entry and transit of used livestock material
The notified text establishes animal health requirements for the entry into and transit through Chile of used livestock material. Used livestock material entering the country must be covered by a washing and disinfection certificate issued by the company that performed those tasks and certifying the following: The used livestock material was washed and disinfected with products authorized by the competent authority in the country of origin and is free of organic and inorganic residues that could carry a health risk. Upon its arrival in the country, the used livestock material will be inspected by the Agriculture and Livestock Service. If the inspection reveals that the material does not satisfy the provisions of the resolution, the Agriculture and Livestock Service may take the necessary measures to prevent the risk of entry of a disease that might affect animals. |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CIV/1 | Côte d’Ivoire | 2017 | Animal protection, Plant protection,…
Animal protection, Plant protection, Environmental protection from pests and diseases
Quarantine requirements, Risk assessment,…
Quarantine requirements, Risk assessment, Technical regulation or specifications
Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Other | Order No. 27 MINAGRA.CAB of 25 February 1993…
Order No. 27 MINAGRA.CAB of 25 February 1993 organizing the inspection, and sanitary and quality control of agricultural products at entry and exit points in the national territory
The notified Order establishes the services responsible for the sanitary inspection (and determining the matter subject to inspection), and the sanitary and quality control of plant, forestry, animal and fishery products and live animals at entry and exit points in the national territory |
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | G/SPS/N/CIV/4 | Côte d’Ivoire | 2017 | Environmental protection from pests and diseases,…
Environmental protection from pests and diseases, Plant protection
Quarantine requirements, Risk assessment,…
Quarantine requirements, Risk assessment, Technical regulation or specifications
Agriculture | Law No. 64-490 of 21 December 1964 on plant…
Law No. 64-490 of 21 December 1964 on plant protection
The notified Law establishes the measures to be implemented to ensure the protection of plants against parasitic or harmful insects and animals, parasitic plants and plant diseases, as specified by decree |