Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1307 | United States of America | 2017 | Ozone layer protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals, Manufacturing | Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Refrigerant…
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Refrigerant Management Regulations for Small Cans of Motor Vehicle Refrigerant
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1309 | United States of America | 2017 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical…
Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1317 | United States of America | 2017 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Energy Labeling Rule: the Commission proposes to…
Energy Labeling Rule: the Commission proposes to amend the Energy Labeling Rule ("Rule") by updating ranges of comparability and unit energy cost figures on Energy Guide labels for dishwashers, furnaces, room air conditioners, and pool heaters.
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1319 | United States of America | 2017 | Air pollution reduction | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Repeal of Emission Requirements for Glider…
Repeal of Emission Requirements for Glider Vehicles, Glider Engines, and Glider Kits
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1322 | United States of America | 2017 | Air pollution reduction, Climate change…
Air pollution reduction, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, MEAs implementation and compliance
Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards…
Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources: Stay of Certain Requirements
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/1325 | United States of America | 2017 | Ozone layer protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals, Manufacturing | Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Revision to…
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Revision to References for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector To Incorporate Latest Edition of Certain Industry, Consensus-Based Standards
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/VNM/94 | Viet Nam | 2017 | Alternative and renewable energy | Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Draft Technical Regulation No 01/2017/BKHCN…
Draft Technical Regulation No 01/2017/BKHCN amending and supplementing some articles of national technical regulation 01/2015/BKHCN on gasolines, diesel fuel oils and biofuels
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/VNM/97 | Viet Nam | 2017 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Draft Decree Detailing and Guiding a Number of…
Draft Decree Detailing and Guiding a Number of Articles of Law on Chemicals
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/VNM/110 | Viet Nam | 2017 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | National technical regulation of motor vehicle…
National technical regulation of motor vehicle structure to the prevention of fire risks
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/VNM/113 | Viet Nam | 2017 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Energy | Draft National technical regulation on compressed…
Draft National technical regulation on compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG)