Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Import licences | Chemicals | 7. Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act…
7. Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO) - Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO) is the legislation under which hazardous substances are regulated. Under the legislation all hazardous substances must be approved before they are imported to or used in New Zealand. Approval is of the substances and once approved anyone meeting conditions on use may make use of (and import) the substance.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, Waste management and recycling, MEAs implementation and compliance
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences, Export licences | Not specified | 8. Hazardous Wastes: Imports and Exports …
8. Hazardous Wastes: Imports and Exports (Restrictions) Prohibition Order No 2 (2004) - Imports of waste classified as hazardous under the Imports and Exports (Restrictions) Prohibition Order (No 2) 2004 require consent from the Environmental Protection Authority. Consent is obtained through meeting the requirements of the Order and where proposed imports are in conformity with New Zealand’s obligations under the Basel Convention, the Waigani Convention and OECD Decision C(2001)107/Final on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Import licences | Manufacturing | 9. GRAPHIC MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN…
9. GRAPHIC MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN: The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996 - The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996 was enacted to provide a comprehensive health, safety and environmental regulatory framework covering explosives, flammable, oxidising and corrosive substances, as well as those that are toxic to people and the environment. The purpose of the HSNO Act is: "to protect the environment, and the health and safety of people and communities, by preventing or managing the adverse effects of hazardous substances and new organisms".
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | General environmental protection, MEAs…
General environmental protection, MEAs implementation and compliance
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences | All products/economic activities | 11. IMPORTS TO ANTARCTICA - Under the Antarctica…
11. IMPORTS TO ANTARCTICA - Under the Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act of 1994 and consistent with the requirements of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol), the importation of certain items into Antarctica is restricted or prohibited.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | Animal protection, Natural resources conservation | Import licences | Other | 12. MARINE ANIMALS - The import and export of…
12. MARINE ANIMALS - The import and export of marine mammals (including marine mammal products) is governed by both CITES and the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978 (sections 4(2), (5), and (6)). A permit is required to hold any marine mammal (or marine mammal product) except in the circumstances set out in section 4(5) Marine Mammals Protection Act (MMPA), and any institution or individual wishing to export or import such material must apply for a permit from the Department of Conservation to do so. The Marine Mammals Protection Act specifies particular aspects that must be considered when assessing an application for such a permit, which include:
- The need to conserve, protect, or manage any marine mammal; - Any international agreement to which New Zealand is a party; - Any submissions received. |
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/NZL/5 | New Zealand | 2018 | Ozone layer protection, MEAs implementation and…
Ozone layer protection, MEAs implementation and compliance
Import licences | Chemicals | 13. OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES - Imports of ozone…
13. OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES - Imports of ozone depleting substances controlled under the Ozone Layer Protection Act and Regulations 1996 and some goods also so controlled require consent from the Environmental Protection Authority. How consent is obtained depends on the substance and/or intended use.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/PRY/5 | Paraguay | 2018 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Import licences | Manufacturing | 6. INCANDESCENT AND FLUORESCENT LAMPS - Decree No…
6. INCANDESCENT AND FLUORESCENT LAMPS - Decree No. 7.103/2017 Creating the register of manufacturers and importers of incandescent and fluorescent lamps under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and establishing the prior import licensing regime and mandatory energy efficiency certification. Import licensing for incandescent and fluorescent lamps is an automatic procedure. It applies to the following tariff headings of the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM) established in Decree No. 7103/2017.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/PRY/5 | Paraguay | 2018 | Waste management and recycling, Environmental…
Waste management and recycling, Environmental goods and services promotion
Import licences | Manufacturing | 7. PLASTIC BAGS AND BIODEGRADABLE BAGS - …
7. PLASTIC BAGS AND BIODEGRADABLE BAGS - . Import licensing for plastic bags and biodegradable bags is an automatic procedure. It applies to the following tariff headings of the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM), for the products described in Ministerial Resolution No. 353/2017 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) Resolution No. 353/2017 implementing Article 2 of Decree No. 5.537/2016 regulating Law No. 5.414/2015 "Promoting the reduced use of polyethylene plastic" and establishing the prior import licensing regime for plastic bags and biodegradable bags.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/RUS/4 | Russian Federation | 2018 | MEAs implementation and compliance, Ozone layer…
MEAs implementation and compliance, Ozone layer protection
Export licences, Import licences, Import quotas | Chemicals | 1. Ozone depleting substances - The Russian…
1. Ozone depleting substances - The Russian Federation manages its obligations for ozone depleting substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer through the List of Goods that are subject of import/export prohibitions or restrictions from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in trade with third countries (Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) No 30 of 21.04.2015, as last amended on 13.12.2017, Annex 2.1). The import, export and manufacture of the ozone depleting substances is prohibited under the Montreal Protocol except where an essential or critical use exemption has been granted by the parties to the Montreal Protocol. The Russian Federation’s Montreal Protocol obligations are implemented through a system of licensing and quota restrictions on ozone depleting substances.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/3/RUS/4 | Russian Federation | 2018 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, Waste management and recycling
Export licences, Import licences, Regulation…
Export licences, Import licences, Regulation affecting movement or transit
Other | 3. HAZARDOUS WASTE - The Russian Federation…
3. HAZARDOUS WASTE - The Russian Federation manages its obligations for hazardous waste controlled by the Basel Convention for the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal (Basel Convention) through the List of Goods that are subject of import/export prohibitions or restrictions in trade with third countries (Decision of the Board of the EEC No 30 "About measures of non-tariff regulation" of 21.04.2015, as last amended on 13.12.2017, Annex 2.3)