Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NOR/1 | Norway | 2019 | Animal protection, Plant protection, Biodiversity…
Animal protection, Plant protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem, MEAs implementation and compliance
Export licences | Other | 6. Protection of environment as under GATT 1994…
6. Protection of environment as under GATT 1994 Art. XX(g) and the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES).
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Ban/Prohibition | Chemicals | Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 …
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO).
9. Protection of environment against hazardous chemicals as under Article XX (b) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Natural resources conservation, Sustainable…
Natural resources conservation, Sustainable fisheries management, Biodiversity and ecosystem
Ban/Prohibition | Fisheries | Customs Import Prohibition (Trout) Order 2018.
Customs Import Prohibition (Trout) Order 2018.
15. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Natural resources conservation, Sustainable…
Natural resources conservation, Sustainable fisheries management, Biodiversity and ecosystem
Ban/Prohibition | Fisheries | Fisheries (Import Prohibitions – Southern Bluefin…
Fisheries (Import Prohibitions – Southern Bluefin Tuna) Regulations 2019.
16. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Ban/Prohibition | Chemicals | 18. Protection of environment against hazardous…
18. Protection of environment against hazardous chemicals as under Article XX (b) of the GATT.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Animal protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem | Ban/Prohibition | Other | Wildlife Act 1953 , Wild Animal Control Act 1977…
Wildlife Act 1953 , Wild Animal Control Act 1977, Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989.
21. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Animal protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem,…
Animal protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources conservation
Ban/Prohibition | Other | Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978, Trade in…
Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978, Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989.
22. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources conservation
Ban/Prohibition | Forestry | Forests Act 1949.
23. Protection of environment…
Forests Act 1949.
23. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Animal protection, Plant protection, Biodiversity…
Animal protection, Plant protection, Biodiversity and ecosystem, MEAs implementation and compliance
Ban/Prohibition, Export quotas | Other | Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989.
Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989.
24. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/NZL/4 | New Zealand | 2019 | Sustainable fisheries management, Biodiversity…
Sustainable fisheries management, Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources conservation
Ban/Prohibition | Fisheries | Customs Export Prohibition (Green lipped Mussel…
Customs Export Prohibition (Green lipped Mussel Spat) Order 2019.
25. Protection of environment as under Article XX(g) of the GATT. |