Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
State Trading | G/STR/N/18/USA | United States of America | 2020 | Alternative and renewable energy, Biodiversity…
Alternative and renewable energy, Biodiversity and ecosystem, Energy conservation and efficiency, Natural resources conservation, Water management and conservation
Other measures | Energy | The United States maintains the Bonneville Power…
The United States maintains the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville), Southeastern Power Administration (Southeastern), Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern), and Western Area Power Administration (Western) within the DOE.
The Corps and Reclamation operate these projects to provide or manage water for such multiple purposes as irrigation, flood control, navigation, recreation, water supply, and environmental enhancement. These agencies also generate electricity at hydropower plants located at federal water projects. Its objectives also include (..) own, operate, and maintain a high-voltage transmission system; encourage conservation; and to protect, mitigate and enhance the fish and wildlife of the Columbia River and its tributaries. Bonneville sells at wholesale and at cost the electric power produced at 31 operating federal hydroelectric projects owned and operated by the Corps and Reclamation, and the electric power produced by the non-federally owned and operated nuclear and hydro plants previously mentioned. Bonneville acquires and sells non Federal electric power and conservation resources sufficient to meet the net, non-generating, requirements of Bonneville public customers. |
Regional Trade Agreements | WT/REG402/N/1; S/C/N/1003 | European Union, Singapore | 2020 | General environmental protection | Environmental provisions in trade agreements | All products/economic activities | The EU–Singapore Free Trade Agreement establishes…
The EU–Singapore Free Trade Agreement establishes a free trade area for trade in goods, within the meaning of Article XXIV of the GATT 1994, and for trade in services, within the meaning of Article V of the GATS. The Agreement also contains provisions such as on Government Procurement, Investment Liberalisation, Intellectual Property, Competition Policy, Subsidies, State-Owned Enterprises, Regulatory Cooperation, Trade and Sustainable Development, Cooperation in the field of Agriculture, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and a Dispute Settlement Mechanism.
Regional Trade Agreements | WT/REG404/N/1; S/C/N/1015 | Australia, Peru | 2020 | General environmental protection | Environmental provisions in trade agreements | All products/economic activities | The Agreement contains chapters on National…
The Agreement contains chapters on National Treatment and Market Access for Goods; Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures; Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation; Trade Remedies; Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; Technical Barriers to Trade; Investment; Cross-Border Trade in Services; Financial Services; Temporary Entry for Business Persons; Telecommunications; Electronic Commerce; Government Procurement; Competition Policy; State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies; Intellectual Property; Labour; Environment; Cooperation and Capacity Building; Competitiveness and Business Facilitation; Development; Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; Regulatory Coherence; Transparency and Anti-Corruption; Initial Provisions and General Definitions; Administrative and Institutional Provisions; Dispute Settlement; Exceptions and General Provisions, and Final Provisions.
Regional Trade Agreements | WT/REG406/N/1; S/C/N/1016 | European Union, Viet Nam | 2020 | General environmental protection | Environmental provisions in trade agreements | All products/economic activities | The EU–Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement establishes…
The EU–Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement establishes a free trade area for trade in goods, within the meaning of Article XXIV of the GATT 1994, and for trade in services, within the meaning of Article V of the GATS. The Agreement also contains provisions on, inter alia, (...) Trade and Sustainable Development, Cooperation and Capacity Building, and a Dispute Settlement Mechanism.
General Agreement on Trade in Services | S/C/N/1006 | European Union | 2020 | Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change…
Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Other environmental requirements, Regulation…
Other environmental requirements, Regulation affecting movement or transit, Other price and market based measures, Other measures
Energy, Services | Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European…
Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for and amending Directive 2012/27/EU. In particular, this Directive will:
• allow electricity to move freely throughout the EU energy market through cross-border trade, more competition and better regional cooperation; • enable more flexibility to accommodate an increasing share of renewable energy in the electricity grid; • foster more market-based investments in the sector, while decarbonising the EU energy system; • introduce a new emissions limit of 550 g CO2/kWh for power plants eligible to receive subsidies. |
General Agreement on Trade in Services | S/C/N/1007 | European Union | 2020 | Alternative and renewable energy | Other price and market based measures, Other…
Other price and market based measures, Other measures
Energy, Services | Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European…
Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (Text with EEA relevance.)
The Electricity Regulation defines general market principles that underpin the important role of renewable energies and storage and establishes non-discriminatory market rules. It includes new rules on balancing markets that allow renewable energies and demand response to be more competitive, while allowing system operators a share of long-term procurement to ensure system stability. Market rules on day-ahead, intraday and forward markets will contribute to increased flexibility and cross-border trade closer to real time, which facilitates the market participation of renewables. (...) |
Trade-Related Investment Measures | G/TRIMS/N/2/REV.29 | Cambodia | 2020 | General environmental protection, Natural…
General environmental protection, Natural resources conservation
Investment measures | Not specified | The existing laws and regulations related to …
The existing laws and regulations related to (domestic and foreign) investment (...)
• Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management (1996) |
Trade-Related Investment Measures | G/TRIMS/N/2/REV.29 | Cambodia | 2020 | Sustainable fisheries management | Investment measures | Fisheries | The existing laws and regulations related to …
The existing laws and regulations related to (domestic and foreign) investment (...)
• Law on fisheries (2006). |
Trade-Related Investment Measures | G/TRIMS/N/2/REV.29 | Cambodia | 2020 | Sustainable forestry management | Investment measures | Forestry | The existing laws and regulations related to …
The existing laws and regulations related to (domestic and foreign) investment (...)
• Law on Forestry (2002). |
Trade-Related Investment Measures | G/TRIMS/N/2/REV.29 | Cambodia | 2020 | Natural resources conservation, Sustainable…
Natural resources conservation, Sustainable mining management
Investment measures | Mining | The existing laws and regulations related to …
The existing laws and regulations related to (domestic and foreign) investment (...)
• Law on Mineral Resource Management and Exploitation (2001). |