Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/40 | Philippines | 2020 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance, Ozone layer protection
Ban/Prohibition, Export licences, Import licences | Chemicals, Manufacturing | Revised Regulations on Chemical Control Order for…
Revised Regulations on Chemical Control Order for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) - DAO 2013-25: The revised regulations on the CCO have implications on the different sectors that use ODS, particularly those that use HCFCs, among others.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/41 | Philippines | 2020 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance, Waste management and recycling
Ban/Prohibition, Import licences | Chemicals, Manufacturing, Other | Revised Procedures and Standards for the…
Revised Procedures and Standards for the Management of Hazardous Waste s DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 2013-22: it is the policy of the State to regulate, restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health and the environment. To prohibit the entry of hazardous and nuclear wastes
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/42 | Philippines | 2020 | Sustainable forestry management | Import licences | Forestry, Manufacturing | Revised Regulations Governing the Entry and…
Revised Regulations Governing the Entry and Disposition of Imported Logs, Lumber, Veneer, Plywood, Other Wood Based Panels, Poles and Piles, Pulpwood and Wood Chips - DENR Administrative Order No. 1999-46. DAO No. 2003-24 provides for the basic policy, scope and general provisions of the regulations that include the persons authorized to import, the documents required as well as the issuing authorities for the license.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/45 | Philippines | 2020 | Air pollution reduction | Ban/Prohibition | Manufacturing, Other | Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy…
Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP) and its Implementing Guidelines - Executive Order No. 156 series of 2002. To ban importation of all types of used motor vehicles and parts and components, except those that may be allowed under certain conditions.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/59 | Philippines | 2020 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Import licences, Technical regulation or…
Import licences, Technical regulation or specifications
Manufacturing | Mandatory Philippine National Standard for…
Mandatory Philippine National Standard for fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps, ballasts and luminaires - DTI-DOE Joint Administrative Order (JAO) 09-03:2009 – (...) are presently engaged in the development and implementation of product certification programs aimed at promoting the use of energy efficient household appliances and lighting products in the country.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/85 | Philippines | 2020 | Air pollution reduction | Conformity assessment procedures | Manufacturing, Services | Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of…
Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Center - Department Administrative Order No. 08, S. 2003 - all establishments which conduct or provide rebuilding services for trucks.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/86 | Philippines | 2020 | Air pollution reduction, Waste management and…
Air pollution reduction, Waste management and recycling
Conformity assessment procedures, Technical…
Conformity assessment procedures, Technical regulation or specifications
Manufacturing, Other, Services | Compliance with Emission Standards For The…
Compliance with Emission Standards For The Implementation Of Used Motor Vehicles And Parts And Components Under Philippine Clean Air Act Of 1999 - Department Administrative Order No. 18-04, S. 2018: for the importation of completely built-up (CBU) used motor vehicles, the Certificate of Authority (CAI) to import shall be issued only upon submission of a certification that the units are compliant with Euro 4 emission standards.
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/87 | Philippines | 2020 | Air pollution reduction | Import licences, Technical regulation or…
Import licences, Technical regulation or specifications
Manufacturing | Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy…
Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines - Executive Order No. 156, Series of 2002
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/89 | Philippines | 2020 | Air pollution reduction | Import licences, Technical regulation or…
Import licences, Technical regulation or specifications
Manufacturing | The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development…
The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program - Executive Order No. 877-A
Import Licensing Procedures | G/LIC/N/2/PHL/116 | Philippines | 2020 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, MEAs implementation…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, MEAs implementation and compliance, Natural resources conservation, Sustainable fisheries management
Import licences, Other environmental requirements | Fisheries | An Act to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal,…
An Act to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing , Amending Republic Act No. 8550, Otherwise Known as "The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998," and for Other Purposes - Republic Act No. 10654. While this law retained the relevant provisions of RA8550 (Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998), it provided provisions relating to IUUF. The Philippines shall pursue its commitment to international conventions and cooperate with other states and international bodies, in order to conserve and manage threatened , aquatic species, straddling and highly migratory fish stocks and other living marine resources;