Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CRI/78 | Costa Rica | 2020 | Sustainable agriculture management | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental Programmes: Recognition of the…
Environmental Programmes: Recognition of the environmental benefits of Sustainable Agricultural Production Promotion Programme (PFPAS) projects: Financial incentive granted to PFPAS projects for the environmental benefits generated.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CRI/78 | Costa Rica | 2020 | Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable…
Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable and environmentally friendly production
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental programmes: Recognition of the…
Environmental programmes: Recognition of the environmental benefits of organic farming by micro, small and medium-sized organic producers: Financial incentive granted to micro, small and medium-sized organic producers for the environmental benefits resulting from their activities.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/ARE/17 | United Arab Emirates | 2020 | General environmental protection | Grants and direct payments, Loans and financing | Agriculture | General services: Infrastructure services:…
General services: Infrastructure services: Infrastructure project associated with environmental programmes to develop and maintain protected agriculture.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/ARE/17 | United Arab Emirates | 2020 | Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable…
Sustainable agriculture management, Sustainable and environmentally friendly production
Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Infrastructure services:…
General services: Infrastructure services: Agriculture extension, training, marketing promotions through exception’s for environmental purposes (including organic, pesticides seeds and protected agriculture)
Agriculture | G/AG/N/BRA/58 | Brazil | 2020 | Sustainable and environmentally friendly…
Sustainable and environmentally friendly production
Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Inspection services: Inspection…
General services: Inspection services: Inspection of organic production
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/61 | Chile | 2020 | Sustainable agriculture management | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Research: Research and…
General services: Research: Research and development centres: Generation, adaptation and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and products that contribute to the sustainable (social, economic and environmental) development of the competitiveness of the various agricultural sector actors.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/62 | 2020 | Sustainable agriculture management | Non-monetary support | Agriculture |
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/61 | Chile | 2020 | General environmental protection | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Training services: Development…
General services: Training services: Development promotion services (PRODESAL and PRODECOP): support for the contracting of technical advisory services to improve productivity and the environmental situation and to raise partnership levels.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/62 | 2020 | General environmental protection | Non-monetary support | Agriculture |
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/61 | Chile | 2020 | Energy conservation and efficiency, Water…
Energy conservation and efficiency, Water management and conservation
Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Extension and advisory services…
General services: Extension and advisory services: Irrigation and Energy Efficiency Pre-Investment Programmes (PIR and PIEE): support for the contracting of advisory services to design irrigation projects.