Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/SYC/2 | Seychelles | 2021 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance
Ban/Prohibition | Chemicals | 47. Prohibition of the imports of Toxic Chemicals |
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/SYC/2 | Seychelles | 2021 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance, Ozone layer protection
Ban/Prohibition | Chemicals | 49. Prohibition for the imports of CFC Gas and…
49. Prohibition for the imports of CFC Gas and Equipment Dependent on CFC and Hydro-Chloro Carbon (HCFC). In accordance with the Montreal Protocol and the Stockholm Convention and the Environment Protection Act, 2010 (Cap 71)
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/SYC/2 | Seychelles | 2021 | Waste management and recycling | Ban/Prohibition | Other | 50. Prohibition for the imports of waste or waste…
50. Prohibition for the imports of waste or waste product or both of any kind. The importation of waste or waste product or both of any kind is prohibited on an MFN basis to protect human, animal or plant life or health.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/SYC/2 | Seychelles | 2021 | Waste management and recycling | Ban/Prohibition | Chemicals, Other | 56. Prohibition for the imports of Plastic Straws…
56. Prohibition for the imports of Plastic Straws. The restriction is administered through an import certificate on an MFN basis for Environmental Protection.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/SYC/2 | Seychelles | 2021 | Waste management and recycling | Ban/Prohibition | Other | 57. Prohibition for the import of Balloons. The…
57. Prohibition for the import of Balloons. The restriction is administered through an import certificate on an MFN basis for Environmental Protection.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/TON/1 | Tonga | 2021 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance, Waste management and recycling
Ban/Prohibition, Import quotas | Other | 7. Import prohibition or quota on toxic or…
7. Import prohibition or quota on toxic or hazardous wastes
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/TON/1 | Tonga | 2021 | Natural resources conservation, Sustainable…
Natural resources conservation, Sustainable forestry management
Export licences, Import licences | Forestry | 15. Non-automatic import licensing of Sandalwood…
15. Non-automatic import licensing of Sandalwood. A person who intends to export sandalwood from Tonga shall first apply for a Sandalwood Export License from the Chief Executive Officer except in situations there is a written directive by Cabinet in relation to the sustainable management of the sandalwood resource in Tonga or of its export the export license will not be granted.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/TON/1 | Tonga | 2021 | Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources…
Biodiversity and ecosystem, Natural resources conservation
Ban/Prohibition, Export licences, Import licences | Other | 16. Non-automatic import licensing of wild live…
16. Non-automatic import licensing of wild live rock. The export of live rock shall only be permitted for artificially manufactured and seasoned live rock. An export permit and other relevant documentation issued by Ministry of Fisheries is required for lawful export.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/TON/1 | Tonga | 2021 | Animal protection, Natural resources conservation | Ban/Prohibition, Export licences, Import licences | Fisheries, Other | 17. Non-automatic import licensing of wild giant…
17. Non-automatic import licensing of wild giant clam. Harvesting and/ or export of wild giant clam is prohibited. The export of giant clams is permitted for specimens that were grown from brood stock (i.e. grown-out spat obtained from brood-stock) from registered aquaculture operations. An export permit and other relevant documentation issued by Ministry of Fisheries is required for lawful export.
Quantitative Restrictions | G/MA/QR/N/TON/1 | Tonga | 2021 | Animal protection, Natural resources conservation…
Animal protection, Natural resources conservation, Sustainable fisheries management
Ban/Prohibition | Fisheries, Other | 18. Export prohibition of cetaceans and products…
18. Export prohibition of cetaceans and products thereof. Harvesting of cetaceans as per section 16 of the Fisheries (Conservation) Regulations 2008 (the Conservation Regulations) is prohibited. The export of these species is also prohibited.