Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | General environmental protection | Grants and direct payments | Energy, Manufacturing, Services | Guidelines concerning the granting of non…
Guidelines concerning the granting of non-repayable subsidies according to the economic promotion act 1994 (Richtlinien betreffend die Gewährung von nicht rückzahlbaren Zuschüssen gemäß Landes-Wirtschaftsförderungsgesetz 1994 – WiföG)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | General environmental protection | Loans and financing | Energy, Manufacturing, Services | Guideline on the Granting of Deficiency…
Guideline on the Granting of Deficiency Guarantees by the Region of Carinthia for Offensive Measures of SMEs
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy | Grants and direct payments | Energy, Other | Support of photovoltaic plants, subsidies for…
Support of photovoltaic plants, subsidies for innovative district heating projects, Okofonds
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change…
Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Grants and direct payments | Energy, Manufacturing | Umweltlandesfonds – special projects,…
Umweltlandesfonds – special projects, contribution and subsidies biomass, contributions for the support of photovoltaic plants, general environmental measures, climate protection plan, subsidies
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change…
Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture, Services, Energy, Manufacturing,…
Agriculture, Services, Energy, Manufacturing, Other
Subsidies for intensified energetic use of…
Subsidies for intensified energetic use of biomass, Richtlinien für die Gewährung von Zuschüssen in Zusammenhang mit der verstärkten Nutzung von Biomasse zu ergetischen Zwecken durch Biomasse-Nahwärmeprojekte (SA 32086 (2010/X)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change…
Alternative and renewable energy, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Grants and direct payments | Agriculture, Services, Energy, Manufacturing,…
Agriculture, Services, Energy, Manufacturing, Other
Subsidies for intensified energetic use of…
Subsidies for intensified energetic use of biomass, Richtlinien für die Gewährung von Zuschüssen in Zusammenhang mit der verstärkten Nutzung von Biomasse zu ergetischen Zwecken durch Biomasse-Nahwärmeprojekte (N 645/00)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | General environmental protection | Grants and direct payments | Services | GEN-AU – Austrian Genome Research Programme |
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture, Forestry | Infrastructure development in Tyrol/Investments…
Infrastructure development in Tyrol/Investments in plants producing heat from biomass (N514/2006)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | Alternative and renewable energy | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture, Forestry | Tyrolean Infrastructure Promotion Programme –…
Tyrolean Infrastructure Promotion Programme – Biomass Local Heating Systems
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures | G/SCM/N/220/EEC/ADD.1 | European Union: Austria | 2012 | General environmental protection | Grants and direct payments | All products/economic activities | Guidelines on Aid to national industry for…
Guidelines on Aid to national industry for environmental protection measures (UFI 2009 / 2010)