Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/97 | Canada | 2013 | Sustainable agriculture management | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | Support Programme for Organic Conversion -…
Support Programme for Organic Conversion - Component 1- Programme d'appui à la conversion à l'agriculture biologique - Volet 1: services-conseils en appui à l'organisation et l'implantation de la certification sur une entreprise agricole
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CAN/97 | Canada | 2013 | Waste management and recycling, Sustainable…
Waste management and recycling, Sustainable agriculture management
Non-monetary support | Agriculture, Other | MAPAQ Thematic Scholarships - Programme de…
MAPAQ Thematic Scholarships - Programme de bourses thématiques du MAPAQ
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHE/61 | Liechtenstein, Switzerland | 2013 | Natural resources conservation | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Decoupled income support: General direct payments…
Decoupled income support: General direct payments (according to surface area) for services provided in the general interest.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHE/61 | Liechtenstein, Switzerland | 2013 | Sustainable agriculture management | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Environmental programmes: Payments for special…
Environmental programmes: Payments for special ecological services
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHE/63 | 2013 | Sustainable agriculture management | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture |
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHE/63 | Liechtenstein, Switzerland | 2013 | Natural resources conservation | Grants and direct payments | Agriculture | Decoupled income support: General direct payments…
Decoupled income support: General direct payments (according to surface area) for services provided in the general interest.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHE/64 | Liechtenstein, Switzerland | 2013 | Sustainable and environmentally friendly…
Sustainable and environmentally friendly production, Water management and conservation
Grants and direct payments | Energy, Other | Monitoring of the follow-up to the decision on…
Monitoring of the follow-up to the decision on measures concerning the possible negative effects of the reform programme on least-developed and net food-importing developing countries.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/40 | Chile | 2013 | Sustainable agriculture management | Non-monetary support | Agriculture | General services: Research and development centres |
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/40 | Chile | 2013 | Sustainable agriculture management | Not specified | Agriculture | Training services: Development promotion services…
Training services: Development promotion services (PRODESAL and PRODECOP): support for the contracting of technical advisory services to improve productivity and the environmental situation and to raise partnership levels.
Agriculture | G/AG/N/CHL/40 | Chile | 2013 | Water management and conservation, Energy…
Water management and conservation, Energy conservation and efficiency
Non-monetary support | Agriculture | Extension and advisory services: Irrigation and…
Extension and advisory services: Irrigation and Energy Efficiency Pre-Investment Programmes (PIR and PIEE)