Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/MEX |
Mexico |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Fisheries, Other |
Environment related objective
To promote sustainability of resources.
3. Policy objective and/or purpose
To prepare state aquaculture plans for the purpose of locating, regulating and administering aquaculture activities, and to promote sustainable use of aquaculture resources, environmental and sanitary quality, and the availability and sustainability of natural populations of species that are of current and potential interest for aquaculture.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
G. National programme for aquaculture planning
1. Title
National Programme for Aquaculture Planning.
Fisheries sector.
6. To whom and how assistance is provided
The National Aquaculture and Fisheries Committee grants a fixed amount to natural and/or legal persons who, either individually or collectively, carry out or seek to carry out aquaculture activities.
Type of measure
Direct support
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/MEX |
Mexico |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Fisheries, Other |
Environment related objective
To promote sustainable use of resources and their sustainability. 3. Policy objective and/or purpose
To provide a fisheries policy instrument for the regulation and administration of fisheries, as an incentive to sustainable use, based on scientific information, levels of extraction, uses and potential, and capacity of fisheries; including planning strategies, guidelines and measures for decision-making at local, state and regional level.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
H. Programme for strategic resource planning
1. Title
Programme for Strategic Resource Planning.
Fisheries sector.
6. To whom and how assistance is provided
The National Aquaculture and Fisheries Committee grants a fixed amount to the recipient production sector for the implementation of measures deriving from the policies for each of the resources or fisheries programmes. Government authorities are also covered as regards specific guidelines for administration and supervision systems.
Type of measure
Direct support
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/MEX |
Mexico |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Fisheries, Other |
Environment related objective
To promote inspection and surveillance to guarantee sustainable use of fishery resources.
3. Policy objective and/or purpose
To implement and carry out, in the states of the Federation, preventive measures and operations for inspection and surveillance, mainly in sandbar estuaries, estuary systems, bays and inland waters with the participation of the beneficiary or beneficiaries, in order to assist with the performance of duties, with a view to promoting integrated and sustainable use of fisheries resources.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
I. Fisheries and aquaculture inspection and surveillance
1. Title
Fisheries and Aquaculture Inspection and Surveillance.
Fisheries sector.
6. To whom and how assistance is provided
The National Aquaculture and Fisheries Committee grants a fixed amount to natural and/or legal persons who, individually or collectively, engage in commercial fishing and/or aquaculture under a fisheries concession or permit.
Type of measure
Direct support
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Environmental goods and services promotion |
Grants and direct payments |
All products/economic activities |
Environment related objective
To develop more environmental -friendly technology by supporting the construction of pilot- and demonstration plants.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
2.2 Aid Scheme for the promotion of environment-friendly technology
Large enterprises and SMEs.
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
Support is granted to a variety of projects and sectors. Both large enterprises and SMEs are in the target group. Interested businesses must apply to Innovation Norway. Aid is granted on the condition that aid is necessary to realise the pilot or demonstration plant.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Manufacturing |
Environment related objective
To stimulate the development and testing of CO2 capture and storage technologies.
3. Policy objective of the subsidy
The purpose is to stimulate development and testing of CO2 capture and storage technologies. The scheme supports research, development, testing and demonstration of new technologies.
Short term objectives:
· Qualify and reduce costs associated with CO2 capture from power plants and industry.
· Establish methods for reliable geological storage of CO2.
Long term objectives:
· Improve or develop technologies with the potential to significantly improve efficiency and profitability in the field of CO2 capture from power plants and industry.
· Develop robust methods for CO2 storage. This means the methods must satisfy the requirements for approval as a climate measure pursuant to international agreements.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
2.5 Scheme for research and development concerning gas technologies with improved environmental performance ("Gassnova Aid Scheme")
Electricity and industrial sector.
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
Support is granted to a variety of CO2 capture and storage projects within the electricity and industrial sector. Projects eligible for support are research and development and demonstration projects within the field of CO2 capture and storage.
Support from Gassnova may be granted to three types of projects
· Technological and business oriented feasibility studies in which new technologies are assessed individually or as part of a value chain. Studies shall focus on the technological and commercial potential and cost effectiveness of new solutions.
· Financial assistance to testing of technologies in pilot scale conditions e.g. individual process stages.
· Financial assistance to demonstration of technologies. Testing and operation of plants in a technical or semi industrial scale, where the purpose is to accumulate data which can demonstrate performance, availability, reliability and provide a basis for design optimisation. The project must generate scalable technical and commercial design parameters to support design and commercial evaluation of full scale industrial application, and be adequate to enable suppliers to offer functional guarantees.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Services |
2.6 The Wood-based Innovation Scheme |
Environment related objective
Policy objective of the subsidy.
The objective is to increase the use of wood through research, development and innovation, as a renewable material with lower impact on the environment and to increase the utilisation of wood as an environmentally friendly alternative to other building materials.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
2.6 The Wood-based Innovation Scheme
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
Aid is granted to enterprises involved in the production or development of wood products, entrepreneurs, architects, organisations for the wood industry, and research and development institutions which cooperate with enterprises.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Services |
Environment related objective
Policy objective of the subsidy
The scheme of the Centres for Environment -friendly Energy Research (FME) seeks to develop expertise and promote innovation through focus on long-term research in selected areas of environment -friendly energy and CO2 management in close cooperation between prominent research communities, industrial companies and public entities.
The scheme seeks to enhance technology transfer, internationalisation and researcher training.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
2.8 Centres for environment friendly energy research (FME)
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
The FME grants are based on an open call where a host institution and partners apply for FME status. The scheme is limited to R&D-activity within the thematic area of renewable energy, energy efficiency and CO2-management. The scheme is open to participation of large, internationally oriented enterprises as well as research-intensive small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to take part in an FME, it is not necessary to have headquarters located in Norway; any foreign company, even without operations in Norway, may take part. The host institution, in which the FME will be based, can be a university or a non-profit research institute. It must be situated in Norway.
The RCN will cover up to a maximum 50 per cent of the FME's annual budget. The host Institution with partners undertakes to contribute at least 50 per cent of the centres' annual budget. At least 25 per cent of the FME's budget must come from undertaking partners.
The FMEs will dedicate the greatest part of their resources to fundamental research. In general, 75 per cent of the research carried out is to be fundamental research and the remaining 25 per cent is to cover industrial research. Most projects will cover both fundamental and industrial research but there may be some projects which will consist of industrial research exclusively.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Other, Services |
4.1 National Innovation scheme |
Environment related objective
Policy objective of the subsidy
Promote information and capacity building for more sustainable production and consumption patterns, including waste reduction and recycling.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
4.1 National Innovation scheme
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
Support is granted to a few projects. Financial support to these companies takes most of the aid available.
Type of measure
One-off investment
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, All products/economic activities |
5.1.1 The Energy Fund |
Environment related objective
To promote energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
3. Policy objective of the subsidy
An important policy instrument to promote energy efficiency, the promotion of renewable energy and the development of energy and climate technologies is the availability of investment aid through the public enterprise Enova. Enova’s activities are financed by resources in a dedicated fund, “the Energy Fund”.
Enova’s management of the Energy Fund is subject to the following six main goals:
· Development and market introduction of energy and climate technologies.
· More efficient and flexible use of energy.
· Increase the use of other energy carriers than electricity, natural gas and oil for heating.
· Increase the use of new energy resources, including energy recovery and bioenergy.
· Well-functioning markets for efficient energy, climate and environmentally friendly solutions.
· Increase the knowledge level in society about energy efficient, climate and environmentally
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
5.1.1 The Energy Fund
Energy sector.
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
Eligible recipients for aid under the Energy Fund are:
· Undertakings investing in energy saving or conversion to more renewable energy sources in buildings, industry and construction.
· Undertakings investing in renewable energy installation for internal use or external sale.
· Undertakings investing in energy recovery of which the waste heat is exclusively or mainly used for electricity production and minor amounts are used for heat in district heating installations.
· Undertakings investing in energy efficient district heating installations.
· Municipalities and other regional entities investing in any of the above.
· Households investing in energy saving measures or conversion from oil electricity to waterborne renewable energy solutions for heating purposes.
The aid recipients are not limited to undertakings registered in Norway. However, to be eligible for aid the projects must take place within Norway.
Type of measure
Investment aid
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Since 2002
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/NOR |
Norway |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, All products/economic activities |
5.2. The Bioenergy Scheme |
Environment related objective
Policy objective of the subsidy
The objective of the scheme is to promote the production and use of bioenergy as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil energy.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
5.2. The Bioenergy Scheme
5. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
The scheme applies to all types of companies, all regions and all sectors, but the main target groups are farmers and forest owners.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Since 2002