Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
All products/economic activities, Other |
Substitution of the Pollution Charge |
Environment related objective
The programme aims at decreasing pollution by encouraging voluntary environmental protection investments.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Substitution of the Pollution Charge
Companies - According to the Environmental Charges Act companies have to pay a charge for the release of pollutants or waste into the environment. According to Article 48 of the Environmental Charges Act, the obligation to pay the pollution charge can be substituted by investments if:
- the polluter implements measures, which ensure the reduction of pollutants over the course of 3 years by not less than 15% in comparison with the last accounting period prior to the implementation of such measures;
- in case of hazardous waste, the eliminator of such waste implements over the course of 3 years measures, which allow the former hazardous waste to be treated as non-hazardous waste;
- in case of hazardous waste, which technically cannot be recycled, the eliminator of the waste builds a waste disposal site for such waste over the course of 3 years.
The extent to which the pollution charge is substituted shall not exceed the cost of the environmental protection measures.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Manufacturing, Forestry |
Environmental Programme |
Environment related objective
To preserve the stability of environment.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Environmental Programme
Renewable energy projects
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Tax concessions |
Energy, Manufacturing |
Excise Duty Exemption for Biofuel |
Environment related objective
To enhance the use of environmentally friendly fuels (bioethanol, biodiesel) in order to reduce the emission of green house gases by supporting the production and use of biofuels.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Excise Duty Exemption for Biofuel
Any producer of biodiesel and bioethanol
Type of measure
Excise duty exemption
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture |
Environment related objective
The purpose is to offer a sustainable solution to agricultural producers, in order to manage the losses caused by adverse weather conditions, climatic events and animal and plant diseases or pest infestations.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Government financial participation in income insurance and income safety- net programmes
Small and medium agricultural enterprises
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
General environmental protection |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Agriculture |
Payment for Relief from Natural Disasters |
Environment related objective
To protect the environment.
Through the RDP 2007-2013 following subsidies are provided:
Measure 1.6 – Adding value to agricultural and non- forestry products, the overall objective is to improve the competitiveness of agricultural and non- wood forestry sector through the improvement of the general performance of agricultural and non- wood forestry produce processing enterprises (improvement of general economic indicators, decrease in environmental load, growth of export potential, etc.), and to ensure their long-term sustainability.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Payment for Relief from Natural Disasters
Agricultural and non-forestry sector
Type of measure
Grants, loans, guarantees
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Agriculture |
Payment Under Environmental Programmes |
Environment related objective
To support the environment.
2. Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy
Support under the RDP is provided for environmentally friendly and sustainable production methods. It is also provided for the afforestation of agricultural land that is unsuitable for agricultural production and is out of use.
6. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
The aim of the support provided by the RDP 2007-2013 (measure 2.3) is to introduce environmentally friendly production methods and increase the share of organic farming in traditional agriculture that will promote sustainability of the environment by restricting the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the handling of organic foodstuffs, and facilitates the preservation of the natural fertility of the soil, the assurance of biological diversity and the continued use of semi-natural grasslands. Support is granted annually and is calculated on the basis of income foregone and additional costs resulting from the given actions and the need to provide an incentive. Payments are based on the limitations on the use of fertilizers, plant protection products or other inputs.
The support for grazing animals (animal welfare) is provided through the RDP 2007-2013 (measure 2.4) since 2010. The objective of this measure is to improve animal welfare, to maintain and improve biological and landscape diversity and to improve the soil fertility of cultural grasslands. This support is available for farmers (natural and legal persons, civil law partnerships and other associations of persons without the status of a legal person). Support is paid with regard to cattle, sheep, goats and horses, if the stocking density is up to 0.5 LU/ha.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Payment Under Environmental Programmes
Agricultural sector
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.7 |
European Union: Estonia |
2013 |
Biodiversity and ecosystem |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Agriculture |
Payment Under Regional Assistance Programmes |
Environment related objective
To maintain the biological and landscape diversity.
6. To whom and how the subsidy is provided
The aim of the measure is to secure the continuous land use in less-favoured areas. According to the estimation, there are about 465 000 ha of agricultural land in Estonia that falls under the category of less-favoured areas.
Considering the need to maintain biological and landscape diversity, it is necessary to ensure areas the agricultural lands compensation for the restrictions in LFA and NATURA 2000; this compensation is given RDP 2007-2013 (measures 2.1 and 2.2).
Also, RDP 2007-2013 measure 2.7 NATURA 2000 support for private forest land is provided under regional assistance areas. The overall objective of this measure is to contribute to the sustainable use of private forest land located in NATURA 2000 areas.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Payment Under Regional Assistance Programmes
Agricultural sector
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.8 |
European Union: Finland |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
All products/economic activities, Energy |
Environment related objective
To promote the environment
3. Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy
Aid to SMEs: to promote environment protection, energy saving, circulation of raw materials etc.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
General block exemption Regulation (GBER) and de minimis aid.
Soft loans for environmental investments
Manufacturing and service enterprises and tourism industry
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.8 |
European Union: Finland |
2013 |
Grants and direct payments |
All products/economic activities, Energy |
Energy grants |
Environment related objective
To promote energy conservation and energy efficiency
3. Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy
Promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy; reduction of negative environmental impacts associated with energy production and usage and contribution to energy security and diversity of energy supply.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Energy grants
Enterprises and communities.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/EU/ADD.8 |
European Union: Finland |
2013 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Forestry |
Feed-in tariff for renewable energy |
Environment related objective
To protect the environment.
3. Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy
Environmental protection.
The aid is granted to wind power, biogas, small-CHP and for forest chip use in multifuel plants according to the electricity produced.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Feed-in tariff for renewable energy
Producers of electricity
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period