Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Michigan: Michigan Emerging Technologies Fun |
Environment related objective
To expand funding opportunities for Michigan technology based companies (including the ones in alternative energy sector) in the federal innovation R&D arena
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Michigan: Michigan Emerging Technologies Fun
Michigan companies or companies that have their principal place of business in Michigan prior to the disbursement of funds. Qualifying technology sectors include alternative energy
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Michigan: Renewable Energy Renaissance Zones |
Environment related objective
To assist in the development of a strong renewable energy industry in Michigan
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Michigan: Renewable Energy Renaissance Zones
Companies that maintain a renewable energy facility
Type of measure
Tax exemption
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To promote high-technology activities or the creation or synthesis of biodiesel fuel
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Michigan: Alternative Fuel Development Property Tax Exemption
High-technology activities include those related to advanced vehicle technologies such as electric, hybrid, or alternative fuel vehicles and their components
Type of measure
Tax exemption
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
Minnesota: Job Opportunity Building Zones (JOBZ) |
Environment related objective
To give tax exemptions for qualified businesses that have wind energy production
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Minnesota: Job Opportunity Building Zones (JOBZ)
Companies expanding or locating within one of the Job Opportunity Building Zones
Type of measure
Tax exemption
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
The JOBZ program is scheduled to expire 31 December 2015.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Loans and financing |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To provide capital for ethanol production facilities
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Minnesota: Ethanol production facility loan program
Ethanol producers
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Minnesota: Ethanol Program |
Environment related objective
To encourage investment in small farmer owned ethanol facilities
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Minnesota: Ethanol Program
Ethanol producers
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Mississippi: Biofuels Production Incentive |
Environment related objective
To support the production of ethanol and biodiesel
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Mississippi: Biofuels Production Incentive
Ethanol and biodiesel producers located in Mississippi that have produced ethanol or biodiesel produced for 10 years following the start date of production
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Tax concessions |
Manufacturing |
Mississippi: Clean Energy Initiative |
Environment related objective
To promote renewable and alternative energy
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Mississippi: Clean Energy Initiative
Eligible companies that manufacture systems or components used in the generation of renewable or alternative energy
Type of measure
Tax exemption
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To promote in-state, cooperatively owned biofuels production to increase homegrown production of ethanol and biofuels
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Missouri: Missouri Qualified Fuel Ethanol Producer Fund
Producers who are at least fifty-one percent owned by agricultural producers actively engaged in agricultural production for commercial purposes in state
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
Duration: 5 years
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/253/USA |
United States of America |
2014 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Loans and financing |
Energy |
Missouri: Missouri Rural Economic Stimulus Act |
Environment related objective
To promote renewable fuel production
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Missouri: Missouri Rural Economic Stimulus Act
Projects that are for the creation of a renewable fuel production facility or other eligible new generation processing facility, with a cost of at least $3 million, and projected to create at least 30 new jobs
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period