Agreement | Document symbol | Notifying Member | Year | Harmonized types of environment-related objectives | Harmonized types of measures | Harmonized types of sectors subject to the measure | Measure description | See more information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/907 | United States of America | 2014 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for…
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Dehumidifiers
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/908 | United States of America | 2014 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Energy Labeling Rule |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/910 | United States of America | 2014 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Modification of Significant New Use Rules on…
Modification of Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances; Update of Chemical Identities
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/911 | United States of America | 2014 | Energy conservation and efficiency, Other…
Energy conservation and efficiency, Other environmental risks mitigation
Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood…
Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, and New Residential Masonry Heaters
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/912 | United States of America | 2014 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical…
Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/913 | 2014 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals |
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/914 | United States of America | 2014 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management
Technical regulation or specifications | Chemicals | Hazardous Materials: Requirements for the Safe…
Hazardous Materials: Requirements for the Safe Transportation of Bulk Explosives (RRR)
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/917 | United States of America | 2014 | Energy conservation and efficiency | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for…
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Refrigerated Bottled or Canned Beverage Vending Machines
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/919 | United States of America | 2014 | General environmental protection | Technical regulation or specifications | Manufacturing | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Vehicle…
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communications
Technical Barriers to Trade | G/TBT/N/USA/920 | United States of America | 2014 | Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances…
Chemical, toxic and hazardous substances management, MEAs implementation and compliance
Technical regulation or specifications | Services | PHMSA proposes to amend the Hazardous Materials…
PHMSA proposes to amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations to maintain alignment with international standards by incorporating various amendments, including changes to proper shipping names, hazard classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, air transport quantity limitations, and vessel stowage requirements.