Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Manufacturing |
Grant for business investment (GBI) |
Environment related objective
To assist economic development in areas of special hardship in England (exceptional extension of application period is created for offshore wind equipment manufacturers)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Grant for business investment (GBI)
Eligible projects in the manufacturing and service sector (including SMEs that are based in non assisted areas)
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014 (2013/14 and 2014/15)
Duration of the subsidy: The GBI scheme opened to new applications on 23 October 2008 and closed to new application from 1 February 2011, except for large exceptional projects and applications to the Department DECC from offshore wind equipment manufacturers.
The scheme operated under the terms of the European Commission General Block Exemption Regulation (No 800/2008). This regulation came to an end on 30 June 2014. Therefore the GBI scheme is not currently in force.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Water management and conservation |
Grants and direct payments |
Manufacturing, Services |
Invest NI - Resource efficiency capital grant |
Environment related objective
To enable business to achieve water and material efficiencies beyond EU regulatory requirements
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Invest NI - Resource efficiency capital grant
Northern Ireland manufacturing and traded services companies
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014 (2013/14 and 2014/15)
Duration of the subsidy: 12 November 2012 to 31 March 2015
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Tax concessions |
Energy |
NI DETI - Renewable heat initiative (2012 - 2020) |
Environment related objective
To promote renewable energy generation
Background information: The Strategic Energy Framework (SEF), endorsed by the Northern Ireland Executive and published by DETI in September 2010, sets ambitious targets for renewable energy generation.
For renewable heat a target of 10% has been set by the Northern Ireland Executive. The current heat demand in Northern Ireland has been assessed as being 17, 362 GWh per year, of which around 1. 7% (300 GWh) is from renewable sources.
Looking forward to forward to 2020, Northern Ireland's overall heat demand is predicted to drop from 17. 4 TWh per year to 16. 7 TWh per year, with rises in demand from new development being outweighed by reductions in demand with efficiency improvements in the existing sector. The 10% for renewable heat therefore equates to 1. 6TWh (or an additional 1. 3 TWh when considering existing levels).
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
NI DETI - Renewable heat initiative (2012 - 2020)
All eligible commercial renewable heat technology installations
Type of measure
Technology based tariff incentives
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 1 July 2012 to 31 March 2040
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To save 86 000 tonnes of CO2 annually by 2052 and bring greater fuel choice to some 34, 000 consumers in these areas, provide an option for businesses to use a cleaner, more efficient and cheaper fuel, help to reduce the dependence on coal and oil for household heating and help to alleviate fuel poverty
Background information: Extension of the natural gas network to further towns in the West and North West of Northern Ireland (namely Dungannon, Cookstown, Magherafelt, Coalisland, Omagh, Enniskillen/Derrylin and Strabane).
The economic appraisal on the project calculated that this will involve investment of some £203 million in the provision of approximately 169 km of new natural gas transmission (high pressure) and some 142 km of new gas distribution (low pressure) infrastructure to facilitate the provision of natural gas to the seven towns identified above (final costs are subject to final scheme design and tendered contracts).
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
NI DETI – Extension of NI Gas Pipeline to West and North West
Holder of an exclusive gas conveyance licence (awarded by the NI Authority for Utility Regulation following a competitive process) who has responsibility for implementing the gas transmission (high pressure) infrastructure in the West
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 11 February 2015 (date of licence award) to 31 March 2018
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Sustainable agriculture management |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture |
Environment related objective
To support research and development in relation to agricultural products in various areas, including environment and sustainable development
DARDNI has as its Strategic Vision a thriving and sustainable rural community and environment in Northern Ireland. AFBIs possess a unique breadth of scientific capabilities in the areas of agriculture, animal health, food, environment and biosciences to be offered to a wider prospective national and international customer base. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) (DARDNI) will direct the Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI) to undertake fundamental research, industrial research and experimental development intended to improve the efficiency and quality of production of Annex 1 products.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
NI DARD – Agricultural R&D Scheme (2013 – 2020)
The Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)'s research and development projects in relation to agricultural products
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2020
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Forestry, Manufacturing |
NI DARD – Processing and marketing grant scheme |
Environment related objective
To improve the economic performance and international competitiveness of the agri-food and forestry sectors by:
• adding value to agricultural products through the application of appropriate technology together with sound manufacturing and environmental management practices;
(. . . )
• improving the application of technology in the forestry sector, encouraging greater integration and collaboration between producers, processors and others in the wood supply and renewable energy chains and improving the marketing capability of businesses.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
NI DARD – Processing and marketing grant scheme
Micro, small, medium and intermediate sized enterprises involved or wishing to become involved in processing including processors, groups of producers and individual producers
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2015
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
General environmental protection |
Grants and direct payments |
Services |
NI Urban Development Grant Scheme |
Environment related objective
To promote environmental improvement by the stimulation of development of vacant, derelict or underused land or buildings
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
NI Urban Development Grant Scheme
UDG is currently available for speculative developments, owner-occupier new-build and refurbishment schemes, in specific priority urban areas designated by DSD. The grant is available for a range of physical development projects in sectors such as inner/middle city housing, commercial, retail and light industrial.
Type of measure
Cash grants
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: UDG was first introduced in 1982 under the Social Need (Grants) Act (NI) 1970, which was subsequently replaced by the Social Need (NI) Order 1986. The form and focus of the UDG scheme is reviewed periodically and policy is kept under continuous review.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
NI SEUPB – SPIRE Project |
Environment related objective
Aid for environmental studies linked to investments in the promotion of energy from renewable sources.
This environmental study is part of a larger project that is investigating the potential for compressed air to be used as an energy storage medium. This element will investigate the potential of salt caverns as a Compressed Air Energy Storage medium.
The SPIRE project will provide an informed evidence base on the potential to develop the salt caverns below Larne as a Compressed Air Energy Storage medium which, working in tandem with wind energy, will lead to reductions in carbon emissions by reducing the amount of electricity that has to be generated using conventional fossil fuels.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
University of Ulster (as Lead Partner)
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 24 July 2013 to 31 December 2020
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Energy |
Renewables Obligation Order 2009 |
Environment related objective
To deliver an increase in electricity generation from eligible renewables sources
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Renewables Obligation Order 2009
Licensed electricity suppliers who have met their Renewables Obligation through ROCs (Monies are then passed on to electricity generators generating electricity from eligible renewable sources by way of power purchase agreements etc. )
Type of measure
Recycling of buy-out payments
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2012/13 and 2013/14
Duration of the subsidy: Currently to 2036/37
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 28 |
European Union: United Kingdom |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Not specified |
Environment related objective
To support business development primarily for SMEs. Fields covered include environmental protection and studies relating to investment decisions on environmental protection, energy saving measures and energy from renewable energy sources.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
SE - Scottish Enterprise Business Support Scheme 2009-13
Companies who apply to Scottish Enterprise for support under a number of grant products
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: Until 30 June 2014