Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 22 |
European Union: Portugal |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture, Forestry |
Environment related objective
Sub-programme 2 (Axis 2 – Improving the environment and the countryside) focuses on support for the maintenance of activities in less favoured and mountain regions, organic farming and integrated production and targeted measures in the forestry sector. The creation of Integrated Territorial Interventions (ITI) aims at ensuring consistency in the application of the different policy instruments on the same territory, according to the central conservation objectives defined.
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
PRODER – Rural Development Programme for Mainland Portugal
The beneficiaries of the Programme are:
• Farmers, individuals or legal persons exercising an agricultural activity; enterprises and producers' organizations, processing & marketing SME enterprises that process & market agricultural products;
• Young farmers under the first setting up regime;
• Forest producers/owners or their associations;
• Municipalities or their associations;
• Public administration bodies;
• Public interest institutions;
• Micro-enterprises, within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Enterprises included in the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities) related to fishing and its products and tourism and leisure activities are excluded;
• Private partnerships; Public-private partnerships where the public share is not the majority share; PSSI and NGOs.
Type of measure
Non-refundable subsidies
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 2007 - 2013
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 22 |
European Union: Portugal |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture, Forestry |
Environment related objective
To improve the environment and the countryside by supporting land management
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
PRODERAM – Rural Development Programme for Madeira
The beneficiaries of the Programme are:
• Farmers, individuals or legal persons exercising an agricultural activity; enterprises and producers' organisations, processing & marketing SME enterprises that process & market agricultural products;
• Young farmers under the first setting up regime;
• Forest producers/owners or their associations;
• Municipalities or their associations;
• Public administration bodies;
• Public interest institutions;
• Micro-enterprises, within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Enterprises included in the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities) related to fishing and its products and tourism and leisure activities are excluded;
• Private partnerships; Public-private partnerships where the public share is not the majority share; PSSI and NGOs.
Type of measure
Non-refundable subsidies
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 2007 - 2015
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 22 |
European Union: Portugal |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture, Forestry |
Environment related objective
To improve the environment and the countryside by supporting land management
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
PRORURAL – Rural Development Programme for Azores
The beneficiaries of the Programme are:
• Farmers, individuals or legal persons exercising an agricultural activity; enterprises and producers' organisations, processing & marketing SME enterprises that process & market agricultural products;
• Young farmers under the first setting up regime;
• Forest producers/owners or their associations;
• Municipalities or their associations;
• Public administration bodies;
• Public interest institutions;
• Micro-enterprises, within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Enterprises included in the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities) related to fishing and its products and tourism and leisure activities are excluded;
• Private partnerships; Public-private partnerships where the public share is not the majority share; PSSI and NGOs.
Type of measure
Non-refundable subsidies
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: 2007 - 2015
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Loans and financing |
Manufacturing |
Environment related objective
To help development and increased competitiveness of SMEs in Romania in four priority areas: manufacturing, healthcare, tourism, trading systems / specific energy saving equipment and those using renewable energy resources to optimize their own activities
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
De Minimis Aid: Romanian-Swiss Programme for SMEs (PREIMM) within the concentration area no. 5: "Improving the business environment and access to finance for SMEs"
SMEs who fulfill the criteria of this state aid/de minimis scheme
Type of measure
Soft loans, guarantees
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The state aid scheme is available until 31st of December 2019.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Grants and direct payments, Risk assessment |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To promote renewable sources of energy and bio-fuels
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
The stimulation of SMEs that process agricultural products in order to obtain alimentary products
SMEs engaged in processing agricultural products in order to obtain and use renewable sources of energy and bio-fuels
Type of measure
Grants (Co financing: 80% - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and 20% - state budget. )
For all types of investments, the potential beneficiaries must obtain/secure the environment agreement according to the national legislation. In certai
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The state aid scheme was available/valid until the 31st of December 2008. The non - refoundable fund within the present State aid scheme could have been contracted until the 31st of December 2008. The execution term/duration for a project contracted under this State aid scheme is maximum 36 months, exceptionally the extension of the term/duration can be required and the payment is done during the execution of the contract on the basis of the expenses declarations and of the execution reports performed by the beneficiary, in maximum 5 payment instalments.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy, Manufacturing, Other |
Environment related objective
To protect the environment
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
The environmental protection program, which consists of the following projects:
- Modifying the regional state aid scheme regarding the promotion of clean technologies and producing energy from renewable energy sources;
- State aid scheme for waste management through recycling technologies, for the increase of renewable energy sources and for the protection of water resources through the implementation of treatment technologies for the non-dangerous wastewater;
- The program for the promotion of non-polluting and energy efficient road vehicles – de minimis Scheme;
- The Programme on stimulating the renewal of the national car park – de minimis Scheme (legal persons);
- The Programme on stimulating the renewal of the national tractors park and agricultural machines – de minimis Scheme (legal persons)
Undertakings whose projects are selected by a Committee based on criteria provisioned in the Environmental Handbook
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Natural resources
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Energy conservation and efficiency |
Grants and direct payments |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To protect the environment
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
High Efficiency Cogeneration: The support scheme on the promotion of high efficiency cogeneration based on the useful heat demand
The electricity and heat cogeneration nominated annually by ANRE (National Regulatory Authority for Energy)
Type of measure
Bonus for every electricity unit (MWh) produced from high efficiency cogeneration and injected into the National Power System
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The support scheme shall be applied during the period 2010 - 2023.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Alternative and renewable energy |
Energy |
Environment related objective
To protect the environment; To ensure compliance with the mandatory renewable energy target of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources by 2020 (this target was set at the level of 24% of the final energy consumption)
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Green certificates for promoting electricity from renewable sources: Promotion System of Renewable Energy
All companies, large companies as well as SMEs
Electricity produced from renewable energy sources, i. e. :
- hydraulic energy used in power station with installed power of maximum 10MW;
- wind energy;
- solar energy;
- geothermal energy;
- biomass;
- bio liquids;
- biogas.
The subsidy shall not be granted for:
a) Electricity produced from imported industrial and/or city waste, regardless of the installed power of the electric plant;
b) Electricity produced in plants which accumulate by pumping the water previously pumped in the superior basin;
c) Electricity produced in power plants using renewable and conventional energy sources in the same combustion plant, if the energy content of the conventional fuel used exceeds 10% of the total energy content;
d) Electricity related to the internal technical consumption of the plant.
Type of measure
The beneficiaries receive support in the form of green certificates, from which they can subsequently generate income by selling them on the green certificates market
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The support scheme shall be applied during the period 2011 - 2016.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Manufacturing |
Environment related objective
The state aid for:
(a) Implementation and certification of quality management and / or systems of environmental management and / or establishment of environmental management;
(d) Voluntary certification of products and / or obtaining eco-label products; (. . . )
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Enhancing Export Activities: Programme of growing the industrial products competitiveness
All private and public undertakings in manufacturing sectors
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The programme has started in 2003 and will be finished in 2020.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
G/SCM/N/284/EU/ADD. 23 |
European Union: Romania |
2016 |
Grants and direct payments |
Agriculture, Forestry |
Environment related objective
To promote the processing of agricultural products in order to obtain bio-fuel, and environment protection technologies
Measure description
Coverage of the measure
Regional development by investments: Stimulation of Regional Development by Investments for Agricultural and Forestry Products Processing in order to Obtain Non-Agricultural Products
The beneficiaries are the undertakings who fulfil the following criteria:
a) for agricultural sector:
- Micro-enterprises which are adapting to the newly introduced community standards;
- Enterprises from the prior sectors, with the following the priority level establish by measure 123 from PNDR 2007-2013;
- SMEs from areas where the raw material is available, but there are not processing capacities;
- Associative Forms, created with minimum 6 months before the launching of the session for which is applying, according to the legislation in force; Members of an recognised Interprofessional Organisation for Agri-Food Products (OIPA), with membership of minimum 6 months in OIPA;
- Not having previously a SAPARD / EAFRD support for the same type of activity;
- SMEs that are both producer of raw material and processor.
b) For forestry sector:
- Micro-enterprises which are adapting to the newly introduced community standards;
- Micro-enterprises which are processing wood products and are promoting environment protection technologies;
- Micro-enterprises from areas where the raw material is available, but there are not processing capacities;
- Associative Forms, created with minimum 6 months before the launching of the session for which is applying, according to the legislation in force;
- Not having previously a SAPARD / EAFRD support for the same type of activity;
- Micro-enterprises that are both producer of raw material and processor.
Type of measure
ICS - HS Code
Subsidy amount
Implementation period
2013 - 2014
Duration of the subsidy: The duration of the state aid scheme is of 5 years, respectively 2010 - 30.06.2014.